The new eula changes the fact you can't pay to win for special permissions like kits... So I have an idea for instead of kits on sever because of the new EULA, you can add a Token system in the lobby where for ranks you get tokens per day or month? and you you can use the tokens or In-Game money in one of the servers you choose. kind of like the gem system on... another famous server... >.> Unranked players with no rank will get 5 tokens a week too But ranked players get 5 + the ones below. for example: Premium- 5 tokens/Week? +5 Sponsor- 15 tokens/Week +5 Vip- 20 tokens/Week +5 MVP- 30 tokens/Week +5 Elite- 40 tokens/Week +5 Supreme- 50 tokens/Week +5 God- 65 tokens/Week +5 Titan- 75 tokens/Week +5 and you can exchange the tokens: 35 tokens each. 25$ on KitPVP ShXV Sword on OpPVP 2000$ on Prison 500k$ on OpPrison 500$ on Survival 100$ on Skyblock or Skygrid or hellblock 100$ on Skywars 100Xp 16 XP bottles: Infection 25$ on Archer PVP All these can obviously be adjusted, but I think this would compensate for the lack of kit's all sponsors/donators will not be able to use. and use the tokens in a menu in the Lobby to exchange for these tokens. It's useful and balanced because it's tokens per week and it's not much money in most of these gamemodes, most of them are less than the vote. but in the long run it'll help ranked players more. but Unranked players would still get benifets from this system too @CypriotMerks
No, I am not talking about the tokens. I am talking about how un-ranked players don't get any tokens.
The rule of mineraft servers is when you buy a rank you can't get special priviledges that unranked players dont have.
You're bascially doing that.. Only ranked players get tokens each week while defaults do get some, its still unfair you have to donate to get more. Against EULA.. :t:
Yes, but I added that unranked players get tokens too to help nerf the Ranked players. this is kinda a nerfed version of pay2win, but considering Titans wont get the OP /kit titan anymore... the amount of tokens still aren't as good as the kit.
You all have to take in mind that the benefits are very low... especially for Titans... they were able to use titan EVERY day and or every 30mins or so.. And the fact that every week they can possibly get 75$ on kitpvp.. just isnt the same as /kit titan every 15mins.. This system is very Balanced and nerfed from Kits.