So we can buy stuff for KitPvp, Skywars and Skyblock, right? Well I'm not sure what to suggest exactly but I believe we should have categories for each gamemode and a few selections of things to buy. For example a 'Factions' section for anything to do with factions that you can buy.
No support This server is BAD with EULA, idk why EULA did nothing at all to this server. And since they didn't people act like this server is not pay to win. We do not need even more pay to win items into Mineverse
Tp back to spawn or clear inventory doesn't comply with the EULA? Anyway, this is just going to be the opposite of what we're trying to do. No Support
These lots of servers that comply either made huge cash and grew extremely popular then changed to be compliant, or they just add everything from the shop into a "supply drop".