I'm honestly laughing so hard right now. First, you're a new member. Second, this is your first post/message. Third, you need to fill out an application.
My message got deleted... thanks for making me rewrite it. I really hope you're joking about this. You have not played on the server for 3 months total and you probably never will cause I never see you in-game and I know that you are a complete troll and you have less then zero chance of being staff. DONT DELETE THIS
momedy where is your evidence. This is my dad http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images...014/9/16/1410875230303/Markus-Persson-014.jpg
His last name is " Persson" and yours is "Your nan momedy". Obviously hes not your dad. Requesting lock cuz hes lying and he doesn't meet requirements. @Pile @Nanurz
The Requirements 50 Post Count Two Factor Authentication - Click here to set up 2FA. 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums Moderators are required to have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication. Failure to follow the requirements will have your application ignored. Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak? Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Why do you think you should become a mod? How long can you be active on the server everyday? How long have you been playing Mineverse? Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No