i dun liek you bcuz you reported me for calling you a tomato, liek chill the french out mayn. Learn 2 take joke and not overreact. i dont liek ppl whu over react on jokes ;( dododoodododododododododododododododododo? Like darude sandstorm? dont really know you so cant say much but from your pfp is edgy af so i leik that. unbuttened pants? lol wat smh omg you're honestly such a god, i hate you and you ar still chill afl lmfoaooa L L L LL Ezz. idk how you stay so chill and keep joking aboot shrimp even tho i im trying 2 hate on u. ur honestly just a meme bro, keep doing what ur doing cus ur gr8, love the pfp and honestly the moon isnt a memememememememe. i dislike you bcuz you lie to me aboot kitpvp map and you also lied to me abooot cyp deleting my acouunt, dat waz meanie of you sinc getin ur acoont deletd is n0 jok m9 idk pile you're pretty mean, you always bully memebers and u r supr biased twoards 11 year olds. u dont liek edgy pfp but ur music taste is prty good. ur prob on3 of the nicst pplz ive tlkd to on ths server othr that @thorraks cus @thorraks is supr nice and nvr ddoses plpz. and u cay not get crazy but i cnt stop smthing i alrdy am. idk almoo i guess ur prety nice nd stuf but i think u culd liek not be so enthusiastic cus its rly annoying when ur always saying yay 2 stuff cus liek i know for a fact irl ur liek idgaf lmaooaoaoaoaoaoaooaoaoaoa. but ye, just try nd be real nd not fake like @Memeliodas ur prt chill just stop with the rate farming, liek u post on evry1's pfp liek "omg love ur wall" "<3" or somtng liek that and u just farm farm farm up likes, idk doe... u want a tbh or nah i cnt tell fam. you're getting mod next promotion. idk u seem nice and u dont seem to be too much of a like farmer so a+ for me. i also see u in-game a lot and i thnk u wuld be a gr9 mod if u gt the chance. kiss your sister, no isis plz alood on my my lmao thread!! !! !! !! !!! !! !!!! ! ! !! i dont liek you becuz u are going out with nomoresadness. scorvix ur a pretty chill dood, you dont attention seek, like farm, or do any of that g19y shrimp. you're prety chill and i think uu shuld apply for mud agan somtim. i hav no clue who you are.but u do seem chlll and abl3 to take a joke i dont know much aboot you tbh.