Hello there, Today I was hanging 'n chilling in Infection and I saw some things that could be removed/changed. If you support some suggestions, tell which you do support. If you no support a suggestion, tell which one and the reason why you don't support it. 1) The kits: God and Titan. They are just too overpowered. If there are 2 Gods and 1 Titan spawnkilling, it's just most likely impossible to survive for the zombies. God should have: Normal Diamond armor, sharp 3 knockback 2 and fire aspect 1 diamond sword and 1 gapple. Titan should have: Protection 1 diamond armor, sharp 4 knockback 2 diamond sword and 1 gapple. 2) Spawnkilling: If there are some high-ranked players spawnkilling in a group of 3-4, zombies can't survive, maybe run away, but that with very low health. There's no fun anymore if people keep on SpawnKilling every single round. I suggest that if you spawnkill, you should get a tempban of 2 hours each time you spawnkill. 3) The map desert: Sometime everyone miss-spawn and spawn in the wall of a house. I suggest that we should remove that house, because it gets very very annoying. 4) The map Temple: I've seen a couple mistakes (I guess they are mistakes) in this map. Actually there are 2. The first one: You can't go across this and, it gets very annoying after some times. The second one: When you play, and see the pilars with ladders, there is one that don't has ladders, I don't know if it needs to be like that, but all the other sides has it. 5) Teaming: Teaming is very unnecessary in Infection. If there is a zombie and human teaming, the zombie can easily let the human kill him for kills; more xp. I think teaming could be kickable. 6) Bedrock Damaga: Normally, when you stand on bedrock, you should get damage, now you don't anymore. That's mostly it.
support But the teaming you can't really tell most of the time if they are grinding for exp, but it would be easily visible if a zombie/human are both teamed.
No, Titans donate so much money, they deserve something like this, if not better. Well, spawn killing is pretty annoying so it wouldn't be bad, but mods won't always be on. By removing the map 'Desert' there will be chaos. It's one of the only zombie biased map, but changing the spawn wouldn't hurt. It was designed to have this. It gives the game a harder game-play and also makes it our Zombie Biased map winner. No, I reckon teaming is great, it helps people create greater bonds even through video games. it also gives irl friends extra playing time and stuff. Yes, adding bedrock would be cool again. It gives the game a harder game-play and makes it all in all *funner Well, I guess you can make out support and no support from my comments. -Delta *Might not be a word
You pretty much just copied a bunch of stuff from my thread. :/ But anyways. Donors pay a lot of money for advantages in-game. The higher the value the rank is, the more op it should be. Spawnkilling hasn't been much of a problem anymore. Now that there are more p3 and p4 zombies that can light them on fire. There are even some p5s out there that can drop their "bomb" and kill several donors in 1 life. Desert has been fixed. Farming exp is already bannable. The rest are listed in my thread. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/list-of-problems-with-infection.89981/