So basically when I connect, which takes ages, I don't connect but the message comes: io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException. Its happened 57 times and counting.
Can you connect to other servers okay and have you tried: Checking your Wifi connection or seeing if your PC is on airplane mode. Refreshing your minecraft multiplayer menu Logging in and out of minecraft Deleting .minecraft and then re-launching the game Another Possibility maybe that your computer may not be able to handle the server and you may need to allocate more ram. Hoped this helped- Chip EDIT: It seems as though other people are experiencing the same problem it seems like the server is going though some issues at the moment.
I made a thread on this a while back, it might be able to help you. Click me to see the thread. Yet your best options are: Restart your connection / router Try again later - it might be downtime Run further diagnostics They're the most general fixes, yet your connection might just be weak at that moment in time. Best of luck
Turn off your router completely for 5 minutes. Turn off your computer for 5 minutes. Then try again, see if that helps.
Closing this for inactivity. If you are still experiencing this specific issue and wish for this thread to be reopened, feel free to message a staff member to reopen this for you.