you're actually my spirit animal and ur really cool and fun and even though we don't talk anymore you're still part of "Pinkeh's Bae Squad XDD o3o." love u.
don't know you too well but the only thing I rly know about you is from some drama w sav but I'm not gonna slander you if I've never even talked to you so keep being dank and stay in school
don't know u I'm sorry but feel free to message me sometime!! PERV LOL anyways tbh I use to rly get annoyed when u were a mod. for example I only have one warning and its from u and tbh it's kinda pointless but I rly don't care anymore so ur good. hmu sometime!!! you're a qtpie and I admire your enthusiasm. keep it up bbg. x
mj tbh i'm pretty sure you were scared of me b4 we met which made me rly sad but I'm glad we did meet <33. keep being u
hey dude you're a pretty neat homo (sapien) and a cool and friendly mod. hmu if u ever want to talk!!