No support. Sorry I would love to support you and believe you but you only have 6 in the reports: banned section. Improve your activity in that certain section and i'll reconsider but for now it's a no.
No support, sorry to say. :/ I never even knew u existed before I saw this application. GL! Also work on your reports.
Hey, darling. I'm going with neutral. •Work on activity •Try and fix your attitude at times. •Become a little bit more known on forums That would be all, love! I wish you the best and good luck!! <3
No support. -No reports at all. -Not active in game. -Not that active in the forums. You are supposed to listen to the feedback given to you, compared to responding by saying "ok".
I think trixy should be a mod because she is really nice ald always helps me when i need it. The reason why i think she should me mod is because se is always willing to help people. Good luck :D @TrixiethegamerYT