Hey so ive been playing Mineverse For a few years now and ive loved it and ive recently seen that there is a increase of hackers on there and im usually always on like this is the only server I play. but I also want to become mod because I love the community and ive been mod on a few other servers that I don't play on anymore. but I feel I would do some good help while mod. my Skype is CadenClarke. I can get teamspeak and I really wanna be able to help the server grow and develop into an even better server :D The Mods on here are really good and I hope I can be apart of that I am 13 My name is Caden irl. ingamename: is InstagramPlease. I am usually always on and I live in California. I hope you guys Consider me as a Mod. and have a Wonderful Day :D <3
No Support. You didn't follow the template. Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak? Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Why do you think you should become a mod? How long can you be active on the server everyday? How long have you been playing Mineverse? Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No Please do not ask to become a staff as it lower your chances becoming one. You don't meet the requirements. The Requirements 50 Post Count Two Factor Authentication - Click here to set up 2FA. 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums Moderators are required to have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication. Failure to follow the requirements will have your application ignored. You got reported for swearing by me yesterday. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/zf...tbnrpoofles-profanity-usage-pay-warned.95302/ It is also recommended to remove your Skype username. Good luck!
No Support. Reasons stated by @Swift . (I also suggest removing your Skype name because of things like 'Skype Resolvers'...) Edit: A few suggestions: - Follow the Template and Rules - Add more information (ex: reasons you should be a moderator, such as good traits) - Check your grammar, punctuation, etc - (Extra) Make it visually appealing - Become well-known among the Mineverse community - Submit more reports
No support reasons stated above. Try being more active in-game and on the forums. Use the template shown above. Good luck!