Enhancing SkywarsRecently skywars.com was merged into Mineverse's normal skywars. That means that IP is still there, but instead you connect to Mineverse's skywars. Not there old one they used to all connect. The Mineverse's skywars wasn't like there skywars in no way. It was different. They must all not like it because it doesn't have too much detail. Just a really plain skywars. So I asked a Skywars player that used to play there. He asked me a question if we can win skybucks from a game you win. I told him no. I then started asking him to give me ideas to suggest on here. He gave me about 3 topics. The three topics I will go over are Adding /enderchest for MVP and above, Earn 5 skybucks when you win a Skywars game, and lose 1 skybuck when you lose a Skywars game, and remove money from all kits that ranked people have, and replace it with armor, weapons, etc. I will now go over all of these topics. ( Credits: LingLingx ) Earn 5 Skybucks for Winning a Game Half of the players on Skywars don't have kits. The majority of them are just normal players. Some of those normal players are good, and they win tons of games, but they don't get anything out of it. Meanwhile people with ranks get money everyday which is highly unfair. I think if we atleast this suggestion, it'd make the players have confidence in there selves that they can actually win something and use that money for them to buy stuff. I mean yeah that can vote, but no one should be living off by the voting system. That is why I think earning 5 skybucks, for winning a game and losing 1 skybuck for losing a game should be added on Skywars. Thank you for reading. Removing All Money From Kits That People With Ranks Have, and Replacing Them With Armor, weapons, etcetera This is a very very brilliant suggestion that should be really added because this will basically make Skywars entirely EULA compliant. What I mean by that is everyone with ranks get money from there kit which is unfair for other players that win tons of skywars games, and other that have ranks don't win any games. Now I don't have a clue what kind of armor we would use for each rank, but if you guys would want me to list what kind of armor each rank would have, I would. That is mainly up to Cypriot and Crew. That is why I think removing all money from kits that people with ranks have, and replace them with armor, weapons, etcetera should be added on Skywars. Thank you for reading. Scoreboard For Most Kills & Wins!So there are tons of players on Skywars. Some of them are really good at Skywars. They could just kill everyone in the game. They don't earn money, or "recognition". If we add a scoreboard to the side, it can the players IGN, and how much kills they have. I purpose a example. 1. Test 15000 2. Noob 12000 3. GTA 10000 That is how it would be. Okay, so for the most wins. We could have it in the same scoreboard, but the go in a cycle. They change like every 15-20 seconds. 1. Test 179185 2. Noob 124633 3. GTA 124113 That is how it would be; Thank you for reading. ConclusionThis will be the conclusion of the thread 'Enhancing Skywars'. A huge thank you all for reading this and possibly supporting this would be appreciated from me and the skywars community.
Thank you for the support on the other two. Why do you not support the suggestion for adding /enderchest for MVP+?
I honestly don't like the idea of having a pre set of armor/weapons ready for the next few rounds. It seems unfair to people who don't have access. This is also why I don't like it on Bedwars :P.
Neutral. Stated by @Swift It'd be unfair to the people with VIP and below. I kind of like the idea of the other 2 suggestions.
I don't think they should have a pre-set of armor. If that's what you're suggesting, no support. No support for losing 1 from losing a game. No
Actually, changing to Neutral. I don't like the idea of loosing a buck every time you lost, what if there's a hacker. You could lose a ton.
k I removed that suggestion from the thread. Thanks. For all? Thanks! Reasons? I guess Mineverse players don't like it. :o Okay then, I'll remove that if other players don't like it.
Neutral. -The loosing a Skybuck for every game you lose would be unfair, because the majority of players lose games. EDIT: I am now aware you removed the echest suggestion.