Hello, I recently made a report on "Jubba" if you'd like to take a look: This post wasn't made to make staff change their decision, but because I wonder if I'm the only thinking he is guilty and shouldn't be allowed to do this http://www.mineverse.com/threads/ju...aker-lack-of-evidence-dyna.94224/#post-979209 Also said on skype: [15:07:35] *** Plouuu has shared contact details with Jubba. *** [15:07:42] Plouuu: oh t'est con c'est pas possible Oh you're stupid it's impossible [15:08:03] Jubba: Hello Hello [15:08:07] Jubba: Still talking ? Still talking ? [15:08:30] Plouuu: ? mec c'est toi qui arrete pas lmao Dude it's you who doesn't stop lmao *Dox here* [15:08:59] Josh: Tu veut toujours faire le con avec moi? Still want to play stupid with me? [15:09:06] Jubba: Je t'avais dit de fair attention I told you to watch out [15:09:18] Jubba: Mais ta continuer a m'agasser But you contineud annoying me [15:09:21] Jubba: Et la j'en ai mars And now I'm tired of it [15:09:33] Jubba: Donc maintenant tu ferme ta gueule So now shut your mouth [15:09:45] Jubba: Et tu me fait plus chier And stop annoying me [15:09:47] Jubba: Ok? Ok? [15:10:21] Jubba: Oh ta peur? Oh you're scared? [15:10:27] Jubba: Il faut pas avoir peur mon ptit You don't have to be scared [15:10:43] Jubbe: Tu vas me reporter c'est ca? You're gonna report me, right? [15:10:47] Plouuu: ouai Yeah [15:10:47] Jubba: Vasy je t'en pris Do it please [15:11:06] Jubba: Tu sait sur Skype ils peuvent rien faire You know on skype they can't do anything [15:11:11] Jubba: Mais vasy But do it [15:11:18] Jubba: Ta vraiment pas de couille mdr You don't have balls lmao [15:11:28] Jubbe: Tu vas me reporter sur ton ptit serveur xD You're gonna report me on your little server xD [15:11:53] Jubba: Mais s'il te plait report moi But please report me [15:12:01] Jubba: Je veut voir ce qu'il vont dire I wanna see what they're gonna say Proof not fake: https://gyazo.com/1c65ebbec779d25d76e72efaa0c3daa2 https://gyazo.com/5e65c20340cdfe73170031400b18a94f Skype does prove nothing it's true but I want to make people stop thinking he's such a nice guy and show the world he's **** and ruin his reputation. I'm wondering if I'm the only one who thinks Jubba is guilty and that he should be punished. Reply with Guilty or Innocent with your reason Thank you.
So, basically you want someone banned, because of something their friend did? In that case, I know for a fact that one of your friend uses is hacked client on OP PvP, therefore I believe you should be banned. Understand now? You will not be banned for actions not committed by your own person. Someone else's actions will cause them as an individual to be punished. Sorry, but the user in question is anything but guilty.
No no you don't understand, his friend doxed me for him, I don't know his friend, Jubba hates me therefor asked his hacker friend to dox me, you don't have to be so harsh against me, just because Jubba is nice to you doesn't mean he's nice to everyone, and what friend uses a client?
I used the "friend who uses a client" thing as an example, my bad. I mean, if you can provide proof that Jubba specifically "asked" his friend to do this for you, then it's a whole different story. That is actually punishable. Unfortunately, if you can't provide sufficient evidence of that, then we don't have a valid report in account. I'm also sorry if it came off as harsh, that wasn't my intention.
Skype reports, unless hold extreme validity don't class as a valid report and will be instantly denied.
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