Welcome to the Official Clan page for Necrophobia. - nec·ro·pho·bi·a ˌnekrəˈfōbēə/ noun extreme or irrational fear of death or dead bodies. - Necrophobia is an OPPvP clan. - Here is the format to apply to join Necrophobia - IGN - Age (13+) - Rank - PvP Skill - Balance $$ - Why should I accept you? - Please fill out the template. Skype is not required because the clan chat will be on the forums. - Official List of Members Owner - Valixta/Teeeb Co Owner - Poseidon Moderator - [Open] Moderator - [Open] Member - [Open] Member - [Open] Member - [Open] Member - [Open] Member - [Open] Member - [Open] More slots will be added if needed. - Clan Rules ~ 1. If I catch you being rude to another member you're out. 2. If you get banned for hacking you're out. 3. If you threaten another member you're out. - - Teeeb
IGN - TeamTyler Age (13+) - 15 Rank - N/A PvP Skill - 6/10 Balance $$ - $100 Why should I accept you? - I am loyal to those who wish to ally. I won't hesitate to fight, even if I'll lose. I'd be a great addition. I am a competitive person and I never step down. I am not familiar with the map, but I can learn.