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  • NA Hi im tj257 And i hope u enjoy

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Tj257!, Jul 11, 2016.

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    1. Tj257!

      Tj257! Active Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Mod App
      Get to know me
      I am 15 and I am here to help anyone that is in need and anything I can do to improve
      I love this server very much and im mostly on prisons and kitpvp so if u see me around dont be shy and say hi

      Time zone
      Mountain Timezone


      I speak English and sorta spanish

      Sunday:3:00 pm to 9:00 pm
      Monday 3:00 to 7:00 or 8:00
      Tusday: 3:00 Pm to 8:00Pm
      Wednesday: 3:00 Pm to around 6:00 got usally more homework on this day
      Thursday:4:00 to 9:00
      Friday:3:00 to like 3:30 dad picks me up this day
      Saturday:5:00 to 1 am
      I meet these requrements

      About my in game person
      i am all about that rainbow skin and its been like this forever i created this skin in like November 19 2014 and it has been like this for the longest time and i will never change my skin because i really like this skin and their is way better stuff out their but why not keep the one u made

      About me in irl
      I have been bullyed a lot in my life but stuff may get hard but just push threw it and times will get better
      also i have been cyber bullyed for trying to stick up for ppl and also i have straigh A's in school but in language arts i got a D- because im not the best speller or the best at making pargarhs

      About me in minverse I am a $100. But i rlly dont think i need to add this but you no good info
      and my main 2 servers are prison and kitpvp and i sometimes play on the other servers but not as much and also i love to help people when they are in need even if im not a staff member but i would like to be in your staff team and really get to no them

      When it comes to serious jobs/roles, I can be the guy that can take up that job and do it properly. I am very responsible and I never take things for granted and abuse the powers that particular job is, which is moderator in this case. I never show off or brag about my role and/or use it wrongly. I know what the role of moderator is about, and I know how to be a responsible one.

      I am 15 years old
      My ign is Tj257
      My timezone is Mountain time zone
      I live in the U.S.
      I speak English
      Yes I do I have fraps to record any hacker and any Cyber bullying I will make sure to take a screen shot

      I am a caring person but when you get to no me i try and help you as much and i care about if ur cyber bulling ppl and also i have and also i would never mind talking about any issues you need to solve with me or any other person and i care for everyone that needs help and i would like to be there to help

      I am a helpful person that is always here to help and give tips and help if you need anything i would love to help you out if you contact me on the forums or anything else that you need

      Why I should be mod
      I think I should become a mod because I am on all the time and I see a lot of staff that don't actually help people and some staff don't care if the peers are holding a sword or not and also some staff don't care what people say or do I would also try my best and try my best to help ur server out. I love to help anyone or anything I can do to make the peoples experiences better for playing on this server

      How long have u been playing minever
      Ive been playing since July 10 2014 till today just never made a forum post and i also enjoyed my stay on this amazing server Also i ran into some players that gave me some hate but those ppl that gave me the hate also made me work harder and keep me pushing to be a better person in irl and in game

      have you ever been banned
      Yes i have been i was banned from kitpvp and prison 2 times but i got my ban app accepted not to long ago so i am able to play but i learned from what i did wrong and i learned to never to it again and it was all my fault i did it because i keep on dying and i got annoying of it and was like i should try it and i did but i swore i would never do it again

      Have u ever been moderator on a server
      Yes i have been moderator on a server but only like 2 they both shutdown and i have been working very hard to get better at being moderator so i started off small i tryed to work my way up to the more better servers and i really love trying to work to improve anything that needs to be improved

      I have been mature for most of my life of course i love to laugh when some of my friends make really immature jokes but most of the time i make them but dosnt most kids do that and laugh and think they are cool

      And im also very sorry for anything ive done in the past im a new person and i will take any info or any help u guys can give me

      I am on a adventure to see how hard to guards and mods work and im also here to meet new
      Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
    2. breakfastboy

      breakfastboy Experienced Member

      Apr 14, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support.
      - Spelling
      - Detail
      - Why were you banned
    3. Tj257!

      Tj257! Active Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      I added the other 2 and fixed the spelling but where do u want the detail?
    4. breakfastboy

      breakfastboy Experienced Member

      Apr 14, 2016
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      What servers have you moderated.
    5. NinjaPanda

      NinjaPanda Experienced Member

      Jan 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support
      -Add detail
      -Grammar mistakes
      -Never seen in game
      -Never seen in forums
      -get known
      -What servers do you moderate
      -Go into more detail why you were banned
      -A lot of spelling errors
      -The colors hurt my eyes change them please
      Good luck!
      Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
    6. Tj257!

      Tj257! Active Member

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Ok thank u for ur oppion
    7. breakfastboy

      breakfastboy Experienced Member

      Apr 14, 2016
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      ikr i was literally going to say all those but it was going to take long xD
    8. Crazytaco

      Crazytaco Well-Known Member

      Mar 13, 2016
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      No support reasons stated above. Good Luck!
    9. SkyWarpz

      SkyWarpz Experienced Member

      May 15, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Sorry no support
    10. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Sorry, no support.
    11. speedybuilder100

      speedybuilder100 Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I am going to do a total points system and then determine if Support, Neutral, or No Support.
      -1 for Spelling, Grammar, small mistakes
      -2 for Bad Reasoning/ To short
      +1 for Good detail
      +2 for activity, etc. (outside of the application).
      "I am not 17 because my mom told me not to but my real age but I would change it but I don't no how
      but also i do have anger issues But ive tried hard to maintain that and control my anger and i'm doing good. I've ran into to some faulty mod members and I thought do i want to be like him "

      How old actually are you then? You left half the explanation blank... -2
      "not to but my real age", do you mean "not to put my real age" -1
      Anger Issues definitely won't help becoming a moderator. -2
      "ran into to", you mean "ran into" -1
      THIS SECTION: -6

      About me on the server
      I am a 100$ donor Ign: Tj257
      My time zone I am in right now Is mountain Timezone

      It does not matter if you are a donor or not, this does not affect your chances of becoming a moderator. -0
      Kept it simple on the Ign. +1
      "I am in right now is", you mean "Right now I am in" -1

      What country do I live in Colorado
      Country, not state so just for the stupidity -3
      "What country do I live in Colorado", is not a complete sentence "What country do I live in: USA" -1
      THIS SECTION: -4

      What language do u speak: I speak English, But i'm working on Spanish i don't know very many words in Spanish, but i'm learning
      "u", don't be lazy "you" -1
      "I speak English, But", But was not at the beginning of a new sentence it was a comma "I speak English, but" -1
      "i"= "I" -1
      In USA, in most areas you have to learn a 2nd language so... +0
      THIS SECTION: -3

      Yes I have 2Fa enabled

      Yes I have a recording soft where to record Hackers and I can take screenshots if that really helps

      What type of recording software? Explain it. -2
      "recording soft where", not two different words "recording software" -1
      "record Hackers", no capitalization at the middle of the sentence "record hackers" -1
      Screenshots do help. +0
      THIS SECTION: -4

      Why do you think you should become a mod: I think I should become a mod because every time I come on I don't see many staff and I play on a lot of the diff types of mini games like prison kitpvp oppvp and opprison and sometimes creative, but i'm not the biggest fan of creative but I still play on it to check out the plots people make and also when someone is coming with hackes I will be the person to come look at it and see if he is hacking I'm pretty good at telling if someone has hacks
      Not enough detail, look at accepted applications and then compare. -2
      Mini-games are Bedwars, etc., the ones you listed are gamemodes. -0
      "hackes" XD it is "hacks" -1
      How do we know your good at telling if someone is hacking or not? Explain. -2
      You didn't have 1 period the whole explanation... Either that means grammar very off or the detail is very off. -2
      Have you tried out the other gamemodes before? -0
      THIS SECTION: -7

      I can be active almost everyday

      Monday: 10:am to around 1:am if its summer
      Tuesday 12:00 Am to around 6:pm because cleaning day
      Wednesday 2:40 Pm to around 12:00 Am
      Thursday 12:00 Am to around 12:00 pm
      Friday cant play this day
      Saturday cant play every other day, but when I do 3:00 Pm to 10:50 Pm

      You forgot Sunday, that can sometimes be a big day to play on. -2
      "around 6:pm because cleaning day" there is no such thing as :pm "around 6 Pm, because of it is cleaning day" -2
      THIS SECTION: -4

      I have been playing mineverse since somewhere in 2013 and I am still playing on it to this day

      Sadly Yes I have been banned in the past but know this is the present I haven learned from my mistakes I was banned for death threats
      Explain how you got banned in the past, what did you do, etc. -2
      How did you fix the mistakes you did? -2
      THIS SECTION: -4

      Yes i have had some past with mod but not very much and the server i moderator it shut down that is why i want to learn from a good server likes urse

      I have banned a lot of people like around 20 or so people

      You have banned 7 people, not 20. -3 (Lying)
      "i" it is "I" -1x3= -3
      Explain and say what server or something like that. -2
      I feel like you are lying about you moderating a server, so -1 (Not 100% Sure)
      "likes urse" you mean "like yours" -1
      THIS SECTION: -10

      Yes i have the staff requirements i have Teamspeak But i do not have a mic and i am trying to get skype but my mom says its where people can see your face and it can be scary

      Thank u for reading Have a nice day
      Sincerely Tj257

      Grammar mistakes AGAIN, "i" is "I" -1x4=-4
      Actually, you don't have to show your face, but if you want to talk face to face you can. -0
      "it can be scary" well if your going around on some weird places it could be... -0
      "skype but" forgot a comma "skype, but" -1
      "requirements i have Teamspeak" woah, you jump right from the you meeting the requirements to Teamspeak...
      "Teamspeak But" come on now... "Teamspeak, but" -1
      "Yes i have the staff requirements" does that even sound right to you? "Yes I have met the staff requirements OR Yes I meet the staff requirements" -1
      "u" really in the closing sentence you get lazy... "you" -1
      "reading Have" come on now "reading, have" -2 (2 errors)
      "Sincerely Tj257" no... "Sincerely, (enter onto new line) Tj257" -1
      THIS SECTION: -11

      Your responses in the comments:
      "fixed the spelling" I don't know about that -3 (Lying)
      "Ok thank u for ur oppion" really? "Ok, thank you for your opinion" -4 (4 errors)
      THIS SECTION: -7

      Your Activity:
      -1 In-Game (Never Seen)
      4th Moderator Application and it is not going well, I suggest it might be time to stop trying to reach something that might be unreachable, but you do you... -1
      Your first thread was on Sep 11, 2015 then your very next one was on Apr 5, 2016. Huge gap so that is a -2
      THIS SECTION: -4

      +5 Needed for a Support
      -2 or Higher for a Neutral
      Below -2 is a No Support

      YOUR SCORE: -64
    12. NinjaPanda

      NinjaPanda Experienced Member

      Jan 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      There was seriously no point in doing that xD
    13. Clones5

      Clones5 Well-Known Member

      Mar 15, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support ^-^
    14. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support, reasons stated
    15. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support. Don't mention what kind of rank you have.
      You could've edited your old app. Good luck.
    16. SkyWarpz

      SkyWarpz Experienced Member

      May 15, 2016
      Likes Received:
      some people type way to much all they have to say is support,neutral or no support
    17. speedybuilder100

      speedybuilder100 Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2015
      Likes Received:
      You should give reasoning, unlike someone like you who just post farms most of the time.

      I was bored LOL
    18. SkyWarpz

      SkyWarpz Experienced Member

      May 15, 2016
      Likes Received:
      If i was post farming i would be muted ;)
    19. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support, reasons stated above.
    20. goseland

      goseland Active Member

      Dec 24, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I'm going to support. Even though there are many grammar flaws on this I see you almost everyday in game, which makes you very active, and you are very nice. I think that you would be a great addition to our staff team. I'm sorry to disagree with everyone. I wish you the best of luck!!!
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