Your in-game name: GizzBots What timezone are you in? GMT+10 What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you speak? English Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) yes Why do you think you should become a mod? Because I will get the job done and Cyp believes in me. If you would like more info check out my past app. I can see that MV needs more mods specifically in the Australian Timezone seeing as there is essentially no mods ever on in Aussie afternoons, and I will fill that spot if you'd like. I can record extremely easy and I enjoy answering ppls questions. How long can you be active on the server everyday? A few hours each day. How long have you been playing Mineverse? 2 years maybe Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) yes false bans Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes
Why have you made another application? No support. - You're rude - This clearly is a joke, you haven't put any effort in Yeah Gizz, you aren't getting mod. Sorry, good luck.
Support. This is clearly a joke application but still you were my fav mod when you were still in the team. No support you went on an alt and acted like an "AI"
Didn't act, put on a persona and helped ppl and was muted by mods who couldn't comprehend I never claimed to be an official of MV or anything js. If you noticed, I was legitimately answering questions - something mods fail to over nowadays. Give it a try perhaps? :/ Also main reason I made this is because I msged Cyp on steam
No support. I am sorry, just in my experiences with you I cannot support. You seem to have an attitude problem and come off as arrogant to me. You lied about the Mineverse account and then started to attack the mods when it got muted. You may have been a wonderful mod, but with what I have seen I do not think you show the qualities of a moderator anymore.
So far everyone here that no supported you is a moderator :p. Anyways, No support. You forgot the question on if you met the requirements to be moderator! Also this seems like a familiar application that I've seen.. maybe one that has over 1k replies..
I didn't lie about the MV acct. And the mods muted that account for an invalid reason - perhaps it is the mods who are lacking the qualities. As for 'attacking', I asked why it was muted and was questioned as to why I'd care. So, I got on the MV account and asked. That's not attacking at all.
I meet the requirements, and don't have a dig at chain because my app is small. His application is very much valid and you have no right to use this against him.
No, you did attack mods. You started harassing the mods about it. It was more than questioned, you would not left it go when it was explained. It was not muted for an invalid reason. As for the perhaps the mods are lacking the qualities, all of the mods were chosen for a reason. You know this. Insulting moderators and saying we are the ones lacking the qualities proves my point. Stop being arrogant and thinking you are better than other people.
Funny how accusing people of lacking qualities works.. You say it to me and when I say it back, you say I'm arrogant? Mm. It was muted for helping people and joking about being an AI. The mods online at the time got mad that I was offering to help others thru a fake command. I literally was saying once every 2-3mins which is not considered spam when you consider that I could be advertising to sell something like once a min, "Use -! to ask me a question /communicate with me" whatever it was. And he was muted for that. As for harassing mods, I asked in general chat, and was IGNORED which is something mods should not be doing, and then you all fled to other servers. I decided to continue my quest to find out why, and so I went to OP PvP and asked Sanity (I believe). He answered saying it's none of my business, and that it is only 'Mineverses' business, and so I joined on the Mineverse account just to get an answer. Now, asking this question is in no way 'attacking you' and if you feel it is, then you are sadly mistaken. If the 3 mods online at the time had of given me an answer, and 'helped me out' like they're supposed to do, then perhaps there would have not been an issue, yes? So perhaps before you go ahead muting an account for yes, an invalid reason and then ignoring a player who is asking why, and I was not the only one asking, perhaps you should look at the entirety of the situation and make an informed opinion on what truly happened. Everything is subject to change. Ily tads