Hello Fellow People Of mineverse community First off i would like to say Sorry For all these moderation Applications i have accidentaly been making its because my brother is young and he know I want to get Moderator on such a beautiful server so he made a bunch of thread because he didnt know how do create one so sorry about that. But know lets talk about my Mineverse Application. Opening: HI guys im looking for a space for me to become moderator to help and secure ur server and it would be nice if you read this whole application for me Age I am currently 14 years old and my birthday is on October 9 i was born in Oct, 2000 and i have been playing your server for 1 and a half years and enjoyed playing your this server the whole way! Your own moderator named Pokemaniac said it would be nice if i could be mod with him im sorry i dont have a picture because i just signed up and did not know that i need to save some info. As you know that im pretty mature now so i will not ruin your kit pvp by acting foolish i promise! I am very creative and i hate it when people discourage mineverse by dropping the f-bomb so if i become mod ill ban cussers and cheaters. I am also a very helpful and great at spying on the chat making sure nobody sells hacks, no cussing, and absolutely no fighting against players especially on the live chat and i hate that people would make fun of other mods or or little kids and i bet they hate it too! Time Zone and More! I live in Los Angeles, California which is in the United States of America! Here my timezone is Pacific time and it is now 1:10 P.M. I am being 100% honest to prove to your staff that im worthy of taking such a fun hard task and i have always been a huge friend to all the mods that work for CypriotMerks and Noobcrew More Info About Me! I'm Lebanese which is located in the Middle East right above Israel. I'm white and totally against Racism & racist slurs. I love God and highly religious. Since im religious i dont like to be around bad influences especially people who cuss and call out racist slurs on white, black, arab, jews, or Asians! I hate agression especially when it is used on others which makes me totally against hate and violence. I'm currently playing Minecraft because i'm addicted. I will follow all Mineverse News, Rule, and Forums so please accept me if you think i'm not kind enough or something when someone would die i would give them diamond armor and team with them but it will be amazing if i get lots of support! and when i meet others of my kind i be happy and i love to see people that are nice to all muslims. Why i want this Job! I want this job because this was actually been my second server since i got Minecraft the First was Hungercraft which i played for a month and a half, and then i moved on to your server and played it every day since which has been 1 and a half years! I have a duty to protect and clean the kit pvp on your server because i want to ban bow hackers, have a clean chat, help out with all issues involving fights with other people, learn more about the Mineverse community, and although i have been playing for a long time it was today when i realised i want to be a mod also i would like to be a guard on kitpvp and op pvp.Also all the lots of Mods call me really nice and good Moderator also i am very skilled with watching server im very popular on other servers i always report bad people and i want to make this a very kid friendly server so kids can play without being trolled or getting cussed at and we should never ever see a kid crying of someone making fun of another in this server when i see that i take care of it becuase i want to make this server kid friendly and also no cryng just lauging and when people die and start getting made fun of i will tell them to plz dont say that Past Experiences! I do not have that much experience but I have been playing for a long time which means at some point i had a problem with one player so what happened was i killed a mod in the game with my bow but for some reason i got banned for bow hacks which never ever happened i swear to god that i do not have bow hacks then we cleared it all up with a staff member and i got unbanned which got me very happy, i also cleared it up with the mod that banned me and now we are great friends! this issue has only happened once and since that ive never been banned so if you see that i got banned well now you know! Thank you for the Staff Member that unbanned me like a said im not a hacker and i play by your rules i have never ever broke a rule before and im keeping it that way. How long ill be on! I am usually on 5 days a week and ill be on 10 hours each day, yes im addicted and im not afraid to admit it. ill be on to help the game and make the server for better for the kids out there that cannot see bad words written by other in-game players! This i why my cousin stopped playing on your server she got caught when someone dropped the F-bomb in front of her mom thats what i mean by Moderator Experiences Like i said i used to help a friend on his server by building and our server was clean chats.epic it is called mcorigins.com which was awesome if you wanna check it out! I wanna try to improve your server but only with your permission of course and im not a griefer, dont worry i will not discredit your server by acting mean, rude, or foolish and all mods i will be on as long as u want me too even more then 10 hours if its very important like a report or a ban just to make u guys happy Thank you so much for reading my Mod App and i hope you accept my application and remember lets make this server a better place for children:D:D SINCERELY, Stacker7
Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak? Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Why do you think you should become a mod? How long can you be active on the server everyday? How long have you been playing Mineverse? Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No Please do not ask to become a staff as it lower your chances becoming one. And I'm afraid I must give you a no support. For the following reasons. Never seen you on the forums Only 143 posts, other applicants have quite a lot more Make more reports I would like to see you in game, I do not know if we have the same timezone however since you didn't state that. Add more detail Good luck
Kingfi5thy i am active its just i have never had the time to make applications and do all this stuff so srry and i made alot more detail
Why does this matter? He's over the post count that he needs, not every mod had a lot of messages when they started. Take Janice for example. Anyways sorry no support, you aren't active enough and your application needs work.
Neither do I support you. Even though you have almost filled out the template, it's really messy and I would like the whole template to be answered. I find it difficult to read, and it seems like others agree. Maybe change your lay-out? Moreover, I think your moderator application is one year old due to it not having a prefix and you state that you are 14 years and born in 2000... I would recommend looking at accepted applications for inspiration, and I wish you good luck :D
No support. Reasons were stated above. Also how can you be 14 years old when you're born in 2000? Don't you mean 2001?