Neutral, I like the idea of having the command. But, I worked on a server and all people would do is spam it. Maybe add a cool-down?
Support. But maybe make it so when you remove it automatically stops you from being considerer AFK? Because people could just go in /afk and not respond. So if you changed that part it would insure that the only people using it would be people who were actually AFK. Other than that, support.
Neutral. Is this really needed? Whenever i message someone and they don't reply for another 10-15 minutes or so.. i asume they were afk. Don't you assume this?
Support. Maybe add a time limit before being logged off automatically though... (Unless this is already a part of the AFK command.) Also, support for this^^
Thanks! Thanks! I do agree. Thanks Max! Yes for the command to work you would have to stay in the same position. Thanks for your feedback! I believe that this is needed as it won't confuse others. Could you state why? Thanks! I think just being afk is enough. I don't think that you should be kicked off after a period of time.
No support, if people used the command every time they went afk, wouldn't the chat be full of afk messages? It should however be on every server for mods.
Thanks for your feedback! That's why there would be a cool-down so it wouldn't get spammed in chat. For Moderators it would be the most important though.
I meant the chat would be spammed because so many people are genuinely going afk. I'm just not sure what this suggestion would look like in a server
Changing to Neutral... This is a valid point. Maybe make it so /afk just tells people that message you that your afk and not have it announced in the chat at all... If possible ^_^
I've Moderated a couple of servers where this command was available, and it was never spammed. I mean sure you get the occasional player who thinks it's funny to spam the chat but then that player was shortly warned. And maybe you would only know if this player is afk if you /msg them or /tpa. That way the chat won't get spammed with players going afk as you said. Thanks! Yes that would be great idea! Thank you! ;)
There is a reason as to why this isn't available. People can spam /afk as many times as they like and wreak havoc on the chat. No support.