Hi! It'd be great if the command "/Afk" could be added to all game-modes, that way there won't be any confusion to see whether someone is ignoring you or simply just afk. So when you "/Msg" a player I believe that the plugin will tell you that this player is afk, that way if you're trying to contact someone then you won't be waiting stupidly. Thanks Jubba!
Support. I was AFK eating when a friend messaged me then when I come back I message her back: Hey, sorry I didnt reply. Then she just starts fighting
Support, it works great on Minetime as well. However, I believe they should also implement a cooldown of 15s after reaching a limit of /afk commands in a short period of time to prevent spamming of that command which will affect the chat box.
Support! It can be really useful. It should tell that the player is afk when another player tps to him.
@Jubba could you add it in as well for 'insurance'? Don't credit me though, I don't want to be noticed. I belong in the dark.
I can say that the idea for /afk is great. However, people still ignore it and don't believe it when when mods use it on Prison.
Thanks Dyna! With this command the players will be able to see that their afk, but I can see where you're coming from.