Hewo Everybody! So this coming Monday, I will be going to a camp for my church (Its only girls!! YES). I will be gone alllll week and the reason for this thread is to let you all know about it so you won't think I died and cry super hard. <3 NOW. For the description of this supposedly fun camp. I'm just gonna list what there is (but I'm not trying to act like I'm going somewhere awesome and you are just staying at home all Summer ☼. In other words not trying to brag) I'm like so excited :> Every morning we wake up at about 6:00, (if you want) and go do a morning swim across the lake with canoes optional. Afterwards, the rest of the camp wakes up and we eat delicious food like pancakes, waffles, cereal, and a lot of other stuff but I won't go into detail about that, We go on a hike each day, and in one specific day of the week we do a night hike, and sleep over on the hike. On one day of the week we go to the lake as a group and just swim for a pretty long time. There are jet skis, water trampolines, inner tube rides, and boats/canoes for whenever! There is rock climbing, and one specific part I'm mostly excited about is the climbing down the mountain on a rope, I forgot what is was called though . Anyways, those are just the main parts of camp. So guys this is just a FYI for next week. See ya :pomp: ~Bailey ღ
Hope you have fun! ;) Btw Try not to make too many threads like this because there are alot of idiots here who'll dislike all inactivity threads because they think It's "attention seeking"