Gamemode 0 enables people to block glitch in maps like dessert, if one of the developers or owners changed the gamemode to adventure mode instead of survival work then most block glitching situations would be fixxed. ---------------------------------- Pluses) - Stops humans from getting to way too over powered spots, - Stops humans/zombies from hitting through blocks with block glitching - able to find hackers a little bit more easier Down side) - Some people may complain about gamemode 2 and complain that block glitching is there only way to win besides donating.
This has already been suggested many times, but a different solution was put in place. Block glitching warrants a kick.
Scorvix you and I as well as many people know, People still block glitch and do not get kicked for it and they still get a way with it even today. I would like it so there is no way to block glitch at all
If no moderator is on, what will happen then? In my timezone, one to no moderators are on (Not to be rude or provoke the lovely staff, just stating this), and so it's block glitching everywhere for people whenever they get the chance. Support, this would be great imo.