I don't know about everyone, but I kind of hate PlotSquared. It's so complicated, and has cost me to go to a hacked plot of mine (Yes it got hacked). So I want to hear from mods why they changed it, and from the community whether you like the change. I personally do not.
The community actually requested an update to PlotSquared. I don't think we will be going back to the old plugin now.
I'm pretty sure (maybe) that they changed it because the amount of spam in chat, like people advertising roleplays, clubs, etc. It actually dialed down the span a lot. In my opinion, it's fine now as it is.
PlotSquared has many more advantages that PlotMe. First, it has UUID support instead of user name support, meaning that when you change your name, yous till keep it. Another thing is the plot chat. It tones down roleplay spams A LOT. I personally love the new plugin.
If you actually get the chance to stay around Creative for a while, you'll experience the lag. There is so much lag, it's almost impossible to record maps, or even build now. It's the plugin, because ever since it got added, there was major lag spikes every now and then. Yes, there is plot chat, and UUID support, but is it worth the lag? I would prefer having spam and waiting 30+ days to get back my plot, then not even being able to play creative at all.
We did cry about how the chat was so horrid nobody could do anything concerning chat related events. Strip clubs no longer have people chatting to each other about..things..that were...in...the club...in public chat, role-players no longer take over the chat (or alt east flood it as bad), and anything chat related is no longer flooded with spam (advertising is exceptions of course). Of course we could ask Cypriot if he found the best plugin for the job, most likely not, however, we never suggested a good plugin to use that wouldn't cause this amount of lag on the server.So, its partially on us as a community for not thinking of the consequences that could come to updating plugins.
I like the new plugin ^~^ I think it's like brexit in the sense that it's been decided on and we just need to get on with life :p
I just said, ever since PlotSquared was implemented, there was lag. There still is lag, and there always will be lag until something is done. PlotSquared is a laggier plugin than PlotMe, don't ask why though Exactly. After all, once one thing is fixed, another problem arises.
Well, besides the fact that PlotMe was not UUID supported, which means name changing would cause issues. PlotSquared, however, does support this and cuts down on the issues of name changes. As for the lag, there have been numerous lag machines built recently.
But, if you were to ban the player, wouldn't the contraption/lag machine stop as you need to actually be on a plot for activated red stone to work?
What if you ban them, I'm asking? Not if they log off the contraption turns off. If you ban them, wouldn't all of the red stone turn off completely?
PlotMe had so much spam in the chat as well as advertising, I feel like PlotSquared just kicked all that out.