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  • EUR SynysterGates/MrPronounce's Moderator Re-Application

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Kyaaaal, Jan 12, 2016.

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    1. lboone2000

      lboone2000 Active Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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      I support. You were banned in the past, but I can see from this application that you have no plans of doing those things again. Good Luck!
    2. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Honestly, the "crashing creative" ban was actually an accident. I was told by someone to use this command and it ended up crashing creative. Noobcrew checked through the server logs and found it was me. Though, my first promotion did happen a couple of months after this happened. My more recent ban was because of a rule-change, I believe. My knowledge at the time was that it was okay to throw ender pearls in Skywars lobby. I learned my lesson :P

      Thank you for supporting me.
    3. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Any feedback is welcome. (Bump)
    4. Shireen

      Shireen Well-Known Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      More Support Kyle, xo.
    5. Grayman

      Grayman Experienced Member

      Mar 18, 2016
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      Reasons stated by, like, Everyone!

      Just try to keep active in-game, it might be our time-zones but i still want to see you more often.

      Good luck.
    6. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Thank you!!! <3
      Thank you and about my activity, honestly, it must be down to our time-zones. I was on for hours today reporting people for hacking on OP PvP. :)

      I'll remain as active as I can though, thank you.
    7. Grayman

      Grayman Experienced Member

      Mar 18, 2016
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      Wait, i just noticed that you no longr have access to your MrPronounce account. i've been looking for that account and didn't notice that your the same person.
    8. SkyWarpz

      SkyWarpz Experienced Member

      May 15, 2016
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      Kyle a great moderator the 1st time just as good if he gets it again full support :D
    9. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Ah, my bad. Actually, thank you for saying this. Will change the title to include my current in-game name. Thank you.
      Thank you, Sky! (Gotta stop destroying me on Infection though :P)
    10. mr rob

      mr rob Experienced Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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      Support (:) good luck !!
    11. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Thank you! :)
    12. benji

      benji Well-Known Member

      Jul 6, 2016
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      Support c:
    13. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Thank you very much, Benny :)
    14. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      this man deserves mod considering he will be the only one doing reports
    15. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Don't forget @TADS ;)
      Thank you for the support though.
    16. Naturalality

      Naturalality Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      I have a lot of time on my hands... so why don't we write a review that's so long, I'm forced to put it in a spoiler. Good going, me.
      Now, before I begin... I haven't seen you in a long time (probably longer than it took me to write this). However, I will still be using this "outdated" experience with you as a player in my review because that all I have to work with. To give you an idea of how long I haven't seen you for, it was when OP Prison actually didn't have the population of less than a random village in Africa. Moving on, I'll try to organize this as much as I possibly can so you can actually read it.
      I'd like to start off on the application itself. It's written in a way that tells us a lot about your history here, as well as gives valid points supporting your claim of validity of becoming a moderator. Also, it's brief. I'm a bit of a hypocrite in a sense for admiring that your application get the point across with little words, but I'm pretty sure anyone can tell you that when judging an applicant, they don't want to spend more time reading the application than judging. So, let's get a breakdown of your application, shall we?
      Preface- This part of the application shows your motivation as well as giving us a perspective of what to expect of your next few sections- near perfect grammar (I still have a feeling the last two sentences should be joined together) and honestly, a great personality. You own up to what you do, instead of denying it, you're able to effectively address problems (and hopefully give solutions), and also gives us a tiny bit of history on the application.
      Age- Honestly, there's not much here. The only thing in this is that you're sixteen. Meh, not a big deal, but I do expect you to be more mature than a twelve-year-old.
      In-game Name- Other than some history about your account, your previous name and your current name, there's also much not to see here. However, it still shows you're able to own up to your mistakes and accept loss, which is again, a great thing.
      Timezone- Honestly, this is just purely factual information, and not much I can say on this. At least you're not in the US. There are way too many moderators from there.
      Country- This is pretty much just expanding on the timezone. I can't really say anything.
      Languages- I'm actually surprised you haven't learned a second language by age sixteen, I don't know how schools work in the UK, but this shouldn't be much of a problem since most of Mineverse speaks English anyways. At least you aren't lying that you speak another language.
      Evidence Capture- Psst... "Gyazo" is a proper noun... Anyways, not much I have to say. You're adequately prepared with both a screen recorder and a screenshot tool.
      Why do you think you should become a moderator?- First of all, the "also" at the end of the first paragraph is redundant in the sense you already stated it in the beginning of the sentence. I know you're human and grammar mistakes are normal. I'm going to split this section up in two parts. One for the traits you listed and the other for the introduction. Let's begin with the introduction. Some more history on you, it's always great to know more about your past. Anyways, I like the way you're thinking in the first paragraph and your stance on moderating in the sense that they cannot be online twenty-four hours a day and your view on their job. You address some problems, as well as assuring (though not confidently) that you'll be able to fix it. Honestly, that's a great start for your first paragraph. Next, in your second paragraph, you show how your promotion will be beneficial to the moderating team, with your timezone alone. This is a great addition because you again, address problems and give solutions.
      Why do you think you should become a moderator? (cont'd)- You're kind of forcing me to do a breakdown in a breakdown now, but before that, here are some suggestions. The color usage is decent (by that, I mean no cancerous yellow or light blue), but I think it'd benefit from choosing a central color and sticking with that. Not too big of a deal, though. Anyways, here comes the breakdown.
      Helpful- From experience, I can say you aren't lying at all. You answer questions, give tips, and are just helpful in general. When I recently came back on to check up, when I ask a question, there would be little to no one who would actually answer. More people like you need to be on this server, and I won't complain at all if any of them get promoted.
      Active- As the only person I'm following, I can clearly see when you're online, and I can tell you that about 7/10 of the times I'm on, you're on, which is good enough for me. You also state that not only are you active, you actively help others which is an amazing trait to have. One can be on for most their life, but not give a crap when it comes to other players.
      Dedicated- This kind of falls under the active section. However, it does give us (or those who don't know) a sense of experience. Playing for years generally gives you more experience in the community and in-game.
      Hard-Working- It's a valid point. What's a moderator without doing their job? Again, another splendid trait to have. Also, you're owning up to your mistakes and showing your rigor. Overall, a well-written section.
      Mature- As a moderator, it's expected for them to be mature, so this is pretty much a must. The weird thing is, maturity has a different definition for everyone. Upon reaching a certain point, some consider themselves mature, others do not. And yes, there are more points in here that you address. Naming a few, no one is perfect, and it is true that people mature at different speeds. Your grammar is almost spot-on, assuming the few mistakes you have were probably on accident, and if you reread your application, you would've caught them. Again, owning up to immaturity (which really isn't necessary as even the most mature will be immature at times). Honestly, I don't find swearing immature as it's more of an anger management skill. Sure, some people may not like it, but a good /ping **** does feel good.
      Friendly- To be honest, I would probably be one of the people to tell you that you were awesome if I had the chance to. Giving an explanation for your actions is always a nice thing, even if it's already happened. Anyways, no one is blaming you for having family issues. There are ups and downs in life. No need to apologize for living.
      Timezone- Already went over this two times... I may have a lot of time, but not enough to go over the same matter three times. Another note- it kind of is getting repetitive to those who are actually thoroughly reading your application. I suggest removing a part about timezone somewhere. Also, I wouldn't exactly consider it a trait, but more of an ability or advantage.
      Aware of Rules- Always a good thing to have, or in this case, to be.​
      Activity- This is extreme time dedication, if you calculate it, you're playing for up to forty-one hours each week, and I quote:
      When all the calculations are finished, you're giving up close to one fourth of your entire life, assuming the extreme case of your maximum values. I honestly hope you're taking breaks.
      Server Experience- It's always good to know that you've been here for a while. I find it refreshing viewing an application by someone who didn't just join today.
      Past Bans- Owning up to your mistakes takes some courage, especially when your application is receiving thousands upon thousands of views. Ban requests don't really matter, nor do false bans. Crashing the creative server is a pretty big deal, though, but I read that it was a mistake and you did not know the outcome of the command. Your second ban honestly shouldn't have happened. First of all, I don't believe that the moderators were transparent enough on the rules. To be fair, a normal person would expect that you'd be able to use it as it doesn't really clash with any server rules. I don't think you have any problems here.
      Recent Forums Ban- No problems here. You requested a ban for a legitimate reason.
      Your Demotion- Story time! On a serious note, you had a good reason to resign. If someone is threatening one to the point that it has a chance to harm you or others, and resigning is one of the few options, I have no reason to be angry that you took that path.
      Past Experience- That's already enough experience. From everyone disappointed on your profile page, it's crystal clear that you were a fine moderator. You may need to adapt to a new staff team, but that should be the least of your worries.
      Extra- More mistakes. More confessing. Not much to say here.​
      So the breakdown is complete. Now it's on to personal experience. When I met you, I believe it was on OP Prison, you seemed like a cool person. You were one of the only people that didn't type "u" in place of "you" or just someone who was too lazy to press a simple SHIFT key. Because of that, I admired you over most people at first. When we began to know each other, we talked for quite a bit. We both learned more about each other. You asked me for movie suggestions when you were bored, and watching the crappiest movies on the planet, I had none to give, but it was cool with you. You were incredibly active and just a nice person to talk to. And for that, I believe you deserve another shot at a position on the staff team.


      I know there will be people who won't read the entire review or even touch it. So I added a "Too long; didn't read" here.
      Tl;dr- Do I support? Hell yes!
    17. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      My dedication is shown by me simply reading your "spoiler".

      Thank you for taking the time to write it, as it will actually help me out quite a bit more than you'd think.

      Firstly, grammar mistakes are very common, as in real-life, while talking and such, I tend to not really think about what I'm saying. So, it doesn't overly help me in the long run, or for typing.

      My reasoning for mentioning time-zones a lot is purely because it's actually a great thing. Where I live should put me above others, in terms of applying. I live within a time-zone that that isn't overly active within moderation. At peek times, there are sometimes no moderators on for 2-3 hours at a time. Which isn't overly good to see, as we have a mixed combination of locations within the staff team. Not hating on them at all, just saying that I can be that person who can fulfill that position.

      Anyway, I'll stop droning on now. Thank you for the support and reply in general. I'm actually very happy that you've taken the time out of your day to reply. <3
    18. Naturalality

      Naturalality Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
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      I can relate to that, but I already have you covered. Just in case you skipped over it...
      The next part I'd like to address...
      I'm not saying it's not a great thing, I'm just saying it kind of gets repetitive, even more so because your application isn't very long, meaning that it proportionally takes up a good amount of space by itself. It's just a suggestion. ^-^

      That's about it... I'd also like to thank you for the equally dedicated response.
    19. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Would hate to leave you with a short reply like "Thanks", or something similar to that.

      Suggestion is taken into account, but I personally believe that is makes me a better applicant that I can show my time-zone as an advantage.

      We'll see what happens. Hopefully promotions are close by, with the resignations/demotions.
    20. Jubba

      Jubba Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Re-support bud! ;)
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