My suggestion is that we add the ability to switch to past prestiges and if wanted, go back to our current prestige again. For example : I am p7 and I have a bow; however, I want to use a fire sword today but to do that I need to be p5/p6, what I'm suggesting is that we add in a /prestige rankdown or perhaps /prestige switch p5 so that we can change our perks to suit us as prestiged zombies. I have no doubt that with a bit of coding this is possible. There would of course be a cooldown on how often you could use this, say, once every five minutes. Thank you for reading.
Support, but maybe make it so you can only do the command in lobby as players might shoot a player 4 times then /p5 (fire sword) to kill them, which would make it pretty unfair. I like this suggestion because with the new updates it is pretty difficult being a zombie and killing the humans, if this was added zombies could use this to there advantage and what ever map is being played they could chose the right prestige perk that would work well on a specific map for example, Fire sword for caves then switch to bow for Rust.
Support! But I think there should be a cool down for it. For example, if someone is prestige 10, and goes down to prestige 5 for the fire sword, they won't be able to go down again for a while.
Ah but the problem is as soon as we know what the next map is, we are already teleported out of the lobby and into said map.
Support, just have a cooldown (maybe 5 minutes, like kits?). Is it clear though that when you get a bow you don't get a fire sword? The prestiges are different now in that you get both armor and sword.. Just wondering if this will actually be necessary.
I doubt that every prestige will stack up, imagine having a zombie with a bow, fire sword and egg. Lol. And yeah I'll add the cooldown suggestion.
I don't believe that will happen, with the new infection update lobby time feels longer so they could easily scroll up in time to find it. Anyways support to what Jhow said.
You don't understand what I mean, as soon as we become aware of the next map, we are transported to that map. There is no time to switch to the prestige we need whilst we are in the lobby because as soon as we actually know the next map we are teleported out of the lobby, so you'd only be guessing which prestige to switch to. A cooldown is much better.