Greetings Mineverse community,. The letters ''kys'' are rather common on Mineverse. Surprisingly enough as this is a server of teenagers who were never taught how to properly behave and when to remain silent. Then again...this is the internet. The letters ''kys'' mean ''Kill YourSelf''. It's considered as encouragement of suicide. We have all these idiotic words like '''' ''cum'' ''gay'' ''homo'' in the filter. (surprisingly enough porno or lesbian aren't on this list..). When you block those words it prevents players from typing simple words without bypassing the filter. Mineverse is a ''kid friendly'' server. Allowing players to use ''kys'' (again, encouraging suicide) is not kid friendly. Players who disagree with this suggestion because ''kys'' just... '''sort of happens'' or ''is normal'' don't have to bother on this thread. Players who avoid this filter and type ''ky.s'' (or something similar) will still receive the full punishment as you normally would now.
Isn't that good? Less bans because of stupid moves people would make, if they say "kys" and it changes it to ***, no harm done?
I agree with you there, but this would also stop people from making their decision getting banned for stupidity of saying it.
No support only because I hate the filters. Guess what my favourite word is "Skyscraper" And if this filter was added I would not be able to say it anymore because it has "kys" in it.
Support I guess, adding that to the filter would make people more careful about saying it. Some people don't even know that this is against the rules.
Neutral. As stated it would help stop people from doing it so frequently. But at the same time, if people are willing to encourage another person to commit suicide they deserve to be banned.
@Ares_Xena stated "Players who avoid this filter and type ''ky.s'' (or something similar) will still receive the full punishment as you normally would now."
No support. Before my permanent lobby ban the new filter was implanted, causing us to not be able to say "assignment" or anything that includes "" in it, nor are we allowed to type some words such as "suck" you could be like "oh you suck at pvp man" in a polite manner instead of saying "oh your damn easy" but not only "suck" is denied by the filter "damn" is too the filter is terrible.