Rythen is builder, if I'm not mistaken. Honestly though, it's very easy to determine if an applicant is actually trying and showing an effort in wanting the position. It's not based off of post count or how long they've been here. It's based of the person themselves.
Ah, fair enough to him. That I guess is more proof that you don't need the more "popular" title. No offence or anything to him.
Wardogs was a special case... he just posted the app for the regulars to not say anything but it was settle before he applied to be promoted. Anyways I don't support this suggestion, It's a little to much.
Post count and time on the forums is not a very reliable indicator for whether someone is worthy of mod.
Neutral. Doesn't really phase me if we change it or not but I think that it may be a good thing but it could also be a bad thing.
No support. I don't feel this is really necessary. I mean @Alex is an awesome mod and she didn't even have 50 messages when she applied.
I support the three months but not the 500 posts, it might encourage post farming and also what TADS said :P
Neutral I would say keep 2FA same I would do Skype and Teamspeak 3, you must have both. For the posts, say 300 would be a nice number, no need for post farming. 3 month registration is a good one.
Support. 50 is ez post farm, it's more fun to go through threads anyways, so people should enjoy the 500 messages they get to post. Definitely agree with with 3 months being on forums, you're truly known well if you've been on forums for 2 weeks.