Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Ertuiop, Jun 21, 2016.
I never liked it.. Bexrs died
It was meant for Maxamul but you commented first xD Levis got crushed by his mommy
Bexrs was infected by penguins & turned into one.
Jenn drowned in braids
Cosxtte died like my will to live
tweeeds got confused and was killed for running around in circles.
Andrew got banned by @DinoDuck
Wait for what? Infinxty_ thought he was swimming in an infinity pool.
She* Andrew was 360 no scoped by my brother ( @AlexHall2000 )
xD OOOO get rekted son.....
lets go. ._. Alex was killed by @Teddy
@NoMoreSadness (Trinazoid) accidentaly ate a poisonous potato
@ObnoxiousPotato_ Ate an Orange and has never been seen since that.
Orange1k walked into a Orange juice store and no one has seen him since
@Delusionous was killed by @Orange1k cuz he thought she was a boy
EccentricPotato_ waited for replies on his threads for too long. Bump
EccentricPotato_ got killed because he was turned into cheesy potatoes.
i don't know who you are but you're dead now.
KmichiNuke got killed by a nuke
Meowzy was mauled by a house cat