I think that infection needs new maps, the maps on infection currently are great, but can we get new maps? Infection is a great gamemode, and it would be awesome to see more improvements, and additions to it. Reasons to add new things to infection: 1. Infection would be MORE appealing to newcomers 2.Older players might want to come back, and play more 3.Adding a map for zombies to win more often would make the game more balanced Thanks for reading, I just hope this happens soon!! :D
I think when the time is right more maps will be added Support though, it's nice to spice things up every once in a while :p
Support! It would be nice to see a few more maps added. It gets annoying when a map is played 2+ times in a row.
Support. - Hope more good infec maps can be added = if they're good then I'm fine with it = If they're just added for the sake of adding no thanks.
We like only just recently got new maps lol. Please may I ask how the maps wont appeal to new comers, I recently joined and I loved infeciton. I don't believe there is any rush for new infection maps.