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  • NA Vibes' Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by AyyLmao, Jun 29, 2016.

    1. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
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      Hi! My name is MineplexVibes. Some of you previously know me as Kagb or AyyLmao. Now, many people have been hating on me. They have been very disrespectful to me but I will not let that get in my way! They bring me down, they make fun of me, but I could care less. Thank you for clicking on this thread and once you read this application, you wont want to change back. I want to get as much feedback as I can from you guys. If you like this application, give it a support! If your neutral, obviously give it a neutral, and if it is No Support, please tell me why. This is my 5th application applying. No, I don't just want the rank. I don't keep applying just to have the [Mod] tag. I see all those good moderators out there and think, I wanna be like them. I need that mod tag to look good. Just kidding, obviously. Anyways, I applied again to get feedback to improve on my applications and help people. Please, do not rate this no support just because you don't see me in game or forums, but base it on the application. I support Mineverse and want them to be the best they can. Yes, I have messed up in the past...big time. I want to say sorry to the staff members I have hurt, including @Flazer for making fun of his demotion, and sorry to @Herf for using copy cat on you. Yes, I have hacked. This was the biggest mistake I have ever made on minecraft. I hope we can all forget this and leave it in our past. I believe I rushed on my old application, and I am going to take my time and think long and hard on how I am going to do this. I want to say goodbye to the best mods mineverse has ever had! I will miss you guys; @AthleticPsycho @StrKillr. I hope you guys can come back. Anyways,I hope you guys enjoy! Now without further a do', lets begin!

      Im not going to lie. Im going to suck up to it right now and admit that I was using the wurst-hack client. I downloaded it from: [cant say]

      Yes, this was a mistake. It was the first day I got the client and I was messing around with it. Mineverse was the wrong server to mess with, and now banned on kitpvp. I was using .annoy to annoy herf. @Herf , I am truly sorry for using hacks against you. Basically what .annoy does is that when someone talks you say it right away when they say it. Basically, I did .annoy @Herf .

      I wont do this to mineverse EVER again. Or any server! I got bored of using the client. Nothing to it. I haven't been on it forever. So all mineverse staff, I'm sorry. And good job to @BlackZone for doing his job and catching me do it. I didn't know that he would find out, and if he didn't after a certain amount of time, I would have reported myself. Anyways, with that over with, lets start! I would also like to say sorry to @Flazer for being rude about his "Demotion." So, I hope all apologies accepted ;).

      Your in-game name:

      What timezone are you in?
      AEST (Arizona)

      What country do you live in?
      United States of America

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English, Spanish, German, and trying to get better on my French.

      Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)

      I use bandicam and screencast-o-matic and leave them open while I'm playing. I have a youtube channel, but keep in mind...my brother uses it. :(

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      1. To make myself useful. I don't really feel like I do anything for anyone in real life that's useful. Every now and then, I volunteer for something, or I offer up a service. But I've never really had a full time job on a big scale. Mineverse has grown to be a second life for me over the past month or so. I was devastated to find out Snake, Pyscho, Str, and some other staff were resigning. They were like my friends, and it was sad to see them leave. I feel that I could finally put myself to work doing something helpful. All staff give up there personal time to make the server a safe and friendly environment for us players. I think it's my turn to return the favor, and make their lives easier by helping them, and being useful.

      2. To help with making the server a better environment. I sort of said this in the first one, but let me explain what this really means. As well as making sure rule breakers follow all the rules, staff should also make sure that their players are having a good experience. This can easily be done by setting an example. If the staff are always positive, and encouraging, then the players will be too. To me, staff members are 3 things. One: Donators. Not in money, but in time. They give up their own time to make this server a better place. Two: Police. They enforce the rules of the server, and make sure people follow them. And Three: Role Models. They set examples for others. I need to set good examples for younger kids, and for the people not following rules. If accepted, I do not want to be that one shy mod that nobody knows. I want to make people want to play and know that they are safe from evil and hackers. On servers, there are many threats forcing to DDOS. I've seen one on OP-Prison, and no staff were on. I could fill that gap, and stop this and many more.

      I want to be staff on here because I love to assist others around the server, new or old players. It makes me happy to see other players needing assistance. I know the server quite well, playing on many of the servers. I also have become very close friends with other staff and Other players. I want to be a part of Mineverse to make it the greatest! The community is mature respectful and kind. I know multiple commands such as /ban, /tempban, /mute, /kick, and many more! This goes to show how helpful I can be, and know what I am doing. I am sorry to maybe show I am impatient for not waiting, I just want to help and show I am willing to assist players (not being on the forums for a while). The main goal for me is to teach the player how and what they are doing. As playing on Mineverse for the months I have been staff on other servers, I have well understanding of the rules, reading the rules multiple times, I say this will help my application.

      As a long-time player of Mineverse, I have always wanted to help out. Being able to help others is something which I not only feel is morally right, but also satisfying. Helping others has always been in my nature. I enjoy it and becoming a staff member on this server will allow me to help further. Any way I can be of assistance to someone, I do it. When I go on KitPvP or skyblock I help the people of the server out as much as I can. Becoming a staff member will allow me to further aid others; in fact, it will become my duty. I look up to many staff members who have done excellent work in the past. Their work contributed greatly towards the growth of the server and seeing Prime evolve encourages me to step up and take a staff position for myself. I want to contribute towards the advancement of this excellent community. Being a staff member will allow me to be noticed and grant me the means to help further. Since being staff and helping out at this degree is something I have never done before, I also think that this will be a great experience for myself to go through.

      I want the Moderator rank because I love this server and I want to assist the best I can! I want to be that little piece that does whatever It can do to help the server to make it the best. I just love to help, but can be funny at the same time while making sure everyone is following the rules. I just love it I really do! I have an understanding of the full server. I can PvP so I know when there are hackers. I always loved it! I think I can manage the rank correctly and I will not abuse or disrespect the privileges of having this special rank. I do have experience being staff on other servers.

      I can assist this rank by making sure the server stays clean of any hackers, excessive spammers, server haters, and advertisers! I get very good fps around 120 when I record so it will be very clear if they are hacking or not. I want everyone to have a good time yet follow the rules. I can tell when players are hacking. I am quick with my typing so I can ban players advertising with ease. I want the hackers to be banished into the depths of Ban Hell. I want the advertisers to go back to their server that they advertised so they can players (Which didn't work). I want the haters and jerks go back to haterville! I want this server to have an amazing community with nice players! Like I said above I have experience so I know what I am doing. I know how to handle all commands such as chat halt, kick, ban, mute etc. I can and I will take this position seriously. I can spend a lot of time on the server and I try to do my best so I can be my best! I am a hardworking member of your community and I love it here on Mineverse.

      Qualities of a good staff member (HAM)

      Helpful: Must be able to help people with a detailed explanation.
      Active: Must be able to get on daily and stop the people who are breaking rules.
      Mature: Must be able to take in the insults or compliments being calm and answer with respect

      To show that I am worthy of this position, I what would I do

      As this is clearly not aloud, knowing other players play legit. It will not be tolerated, and will result in a permanent ban.
      Command: /ban {IGN} Hacking

      Spam: Spamming isn't the biggest deal, yet this is still bad not letting players talk in chat. I will temp mute the player
      Command: /mute {IGN} Spamming 5min

      Threats Directed to anyone of Mineverse: By Threats I mean, ddos threats, death threats, rape threats (excuse my language) and family related threats. This is not tolerated, staff or a regular player, this will result in a permanent ban.
      Command: /ban {IGN} Threats

      This is only some, If you want more I will show you more.

      ☯A FRIEND☯
      I love to make friends! The more friends you have, the more fun you will have in life, and that's what some people here at Mineverse helped me do! I give them love, kindness, and what a friend should give back.

      You can trust me with anything. I never lie and I always stay calm and give people the opportunity to tell me what is going on. As staff on more than 10 servers, and owning 2, I have think I have gained the trust they need from most people.

      As a Mineverse Mod, you will need to be dedicated and donate your time to help out. I always do, even without the big [Mod] tag. You have to take your own personal time that you should be doing something else, to help manage the server. My career as a mod (if accepted), would be like a full time job. Instead of a job in real life, I can help manage mineverse!

      Hackers. They're everywhere. If I see a hacker, I wont flood the chat:
      instead I would simply get the evidence I need and report it, then finally ban. Simple as that.

      As a computer geek for 6 years now, I have gotten the hang of where the keys are.

      I spent $30 on an app called Grammarly. It helps you with your grammar and teaches you too! I pay attention in school and am getting straight A's in grammar. Actually, in all classes!

      You need to be very honest to be a mod. Lying will get you in more trouble, and I will not do this. Honesty is the key to being a good staff member.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      Monday: 4:00 PM - 9:30 PM
      Tuesday: 4:00 PM - 9:30 PM
      Wednesday: 3:45 PM - 8:30 PM
      Thursday - Friday: 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      Saturday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM (not in a row)
      Sunday: 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM

      Monday: 4:00 PM - 9:30 PM
      Tuesday: 4:00 PM - 9:30 PM
      Wednesday: 3:45 PM - 8:30 PM
      Thursday-Sunday: Anytime

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      3 1/2 years I would say.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      Sadly, I have been banned on kitpvp for hacks. I was using .annoy Herf_ with the wurst hack client. As I said in my introduction, biggest mistake. I will never do this again.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes. I have been staff on 12 servers. Most of them were popular but not all of them. One was a 100-200 player server. I was helper but resigned.

      Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No:
      Over 50 posts
      F2A Enabled
      I have skype
      I have been online more than 2 weeks

      Thank you for reading my application!
      Click here to head back to the mod apps!

      Support - Thanks!
      Neutral - Feedback
      No Support - Why?
    2. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support, this is only your 100000000000th mod app.
    3. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
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      I haven't made one in forever!!!!!!
    4. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      Neutral, question. You said you got grammarly, but you spelled dedicated wrong :P.

      Nice long good app. But I think you need to be more active in-game and forums. Given that I have never seen you online.
    5. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
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      I did...?
    6. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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      You spelled it Deticated not dedicated.

      It's not a big deal xD I was just pointing it out.
    7. AyyLmao

      AyyLmao Active Member

      Mar 15, 2016
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      ik I fixed
    8. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Hi AyyLmao nice to see you apply; you might know me, you might not. But I'm going with no support.

      I would just like to bring out that you closed all your applications due to the people no supporting you. Also, you can't just say "I could care less." You can maybe befriend them.

      This makes no sense whatsoever. Does it sound right to you though?

      Woahh, just because your application is long and detailed, I can just say "SUPPORT OMG" because your application is good. Reports, activity, maturity, etc matters.

      Okay, I get you're trying to be funny, but you're trying way too hard. Just introduce yourself and get to the point.

      As I said before, you can't just support someone based on their app. Reports, activity, maturity, etc all matters.

      What demotion? He's a fine moderator now.

      AyyLmao: *hacks* | Tomorrow - Lets forget about the past! | I don't think so. I get that you're apologizing, and many people say that when they apologize, but seriously, be more specific?

      She's a moderator. Yet again; you're going off-topic.

      Then don't bring it up.

      Did you at least appeal? Cause if I were you, and I was banned on a gamemode, I'd appeal then apply.

      Yet again, he's still a moderator.

      Okay so, if your brother uses it, why can't you make a channel? Its not that hard last time I checked.

      There's many useful things you can do to help out the server! Vote, donate, maybe even report hackers/rule breakers? Hmm?

      What, they don't give up their time to be on this server 24/7. Moderators aren't robots, they have a life, so they can be on daily, but they don't "give up their time." This is why some mods resign.

      Yet again, moderators don't have a hundred eyes to keep score of each hacker/rule breaker on each gamemode. How do you suppose you "fill in this gap"? You're applying for Global not just for one gamemode.

      Please don't say "I love this server!" anything but that.

      You aren't mature nor active. You've even made a thread "LMAO AM I HOT?" Such immaturity. And you aren't active on forums nor ingame. Oh wait, you were banned on forums.

      What's your point exactly?

      Ermmm, what do you mean by "love"?

      Nobody does that these days. Why would you put profanity in your example? Shows immaturity.

      Annnddd what about forums?

      We would love some proof.

      Anyway, good luck on your application!
      Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
    9. Saturns

      Saturns best valorant player Premium

      Aug 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Wow literally what Teagan said took me forever to scroll down to the comment box.
      No support, from looking at all the things that people are saying about you, your chances are a tad bit small.
      Good luck, though
    10. NinjaPanda

      NinjaPanda Experienced Member

      Jan 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support reasons stated @Teagan
    11. Grayman

      Grayman Experienced Member

      Mar 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No Support

      • Rarely see you In-Game
      • Grammar Issues like "F2A Enabled Yes/No: Yes". its supposed to be 2FA
      • Your ruse to me and some others
    12. DinoDuck

      DinoDuck Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support, welly described by Teagan, but I'll state some reasons as well.
      Unfortunately, I do not think you're ready for this position because, you're rarely in-game.
      Good luck! :)
    13. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support.
    14. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      No support^^^^
    15. Teddy

      Teddy Well-Known Member

      Jan 31, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support. Reasons stated above.
    16. Ertuiop

      Ertuiop Well-Known Member

      Jan 23, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, good luck.

    17. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support, reasons are rated above.
    18. speedybuilder100

      speedybuilder100 Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No Support
      Reasons Stated

      How the hell do you not know your timezone with Google right there??? AEST is AUSTRALIA. ARIZONA IS MST.
    19. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support...
      General knowledge... :/
      You're inactive on forums (as compared to some other serious applicants)
    20. Jenn

      Jenn Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support.
      you we're really disrespectful in game, I don't think this position will fit you.
      Good luck!

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