I would like to be mod because I have been playing on this server since 2014, and I once knew the owner of this server and he now goes to my school. I am age 12 and I am friends with Grayson (another mod) my name is Brandon, and I have had no reports or kicks. I've never been banned I have been called names and I tell them not to say bad words and they don't listen. I would like to be mod because It would help the mineverse server and I am basically there 24/7 because I get on there every day after school. I will go on every server every day and make sure nothing happens that is bad. I will check the fourms for Ban reports, and I have never asked to be opped and I am admin on 1 server already, and I am very aware of how much it takes to do this job. Brandon, California, USA, Mod App
Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak? Why do you think you should become a mod? How long can you be active on the server everyday? How long have you been playing Mineverse? Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
I am 12 Years of age. My IGN is Jellyfish262 I live in Pacific timezone I speak french and english and spanish and mandrain I would like to be mod because I have been playing on this server since 2014, and I once knew the owner of this server and he now goes to my school. I am age 12 and I am friends with Grayson (another mod) my name is Brandon, and I have had no reports or kicks. I've never been banned I have been called names and I tell them not to say bad words and they don't listen. I would like to be mod because It would help the mineverse server and I am basically there 24/7 because I get on there every day after school. I will go on every server every day and make sure nothing happens that is bad. I will check the fourms for Ban reports, and I have never asked to be opped and I am admin on 1 server already, and I am very aware of how much it takes to do this job. monday-6:00-8:00 tuesday-7:00-8:30 wensday-4:00-6:00 thursday-8:00-8:30 (no friday; it depends) I've been playing mineverse since 2014 december I have been mod on a server named EvanCraft. and I have also been Admin in a server called coolaid
The Owner is 24 years old and you are 12. How does he go to your school? LOL. December 2014 hasn't even happened Putting the IP of a server is considered Adverstising. No Support.