I've been compiling a list of players that are Titan rank. I started gathering this information back when the rank was first implemented. I wanted to keep a list of who was Titan incase I wanted to disguise myself as one, but keep god mode on without people suspecting I was someone else. Here is the list of known Titans I've gathered in alphabetical order. 2oblerone 42766 ArthurY3K bman0503 Buntobaga butter7305 Cardfight_v123 Cayman5 CyberEliteDude DaddyHF darkshadow5678 dothotron Elsa9989 fendodo flare_snuggles Ge0rgeminecraft IAFF Ichidna IN1NJAI Inked_Cat JamisMegatron Jandalboi JOJOAIDAN juanpagri legends152 Lelong7 liamarchie PackenHeat Paskov123 PPUNCH301 Punisher135709 spikerobo TheHeavenlyOne Twix_PB UncleUrnesto Unknownkid8000 waffen_s_s xeeveexx xXchamorroboeXx If you are a Titan and aren't on the list then I didn't notice you. I mainly played on Survival. I wanted to make this list public before I left mineverse. I know my time on here was short, but I feel that I've been wasting too much time on mineverse/minecraft and I want to focus more on my art. It's hard to explain, but even though I'm creating things on minecraft…it's just not the same as actually drawing something. I hate saying goodbyes because I suck at them, but for I guess for now….I'm vanished. Bai Everyone! ^u^;
Wait what. Does this mean I get your giant sky island thingy that I fell off a few times? I mean, Goodbye inky ;__;