I know there are loads of threads like this but it needs to be done now. There are now dozens of hack clients with bhop scripts and improved killaura, you simply can't fight this and it is making mineverse unbearable. Something needs to be done. Of course adding a no cheat is the only logical solution, auto-banning players that hack to the extremes. It doesn't have to be gcheat or something, just nocheatplus would do, something that stops bhop scripts and such.
NoCheatPlus is actually very annoying kicking you every minute because it thinks you're flying.. Anyways support, we do need a better anti hacking plugin for all PvP servers.
As @Swift stated, that's my only concern, because on most popular servers they have an anti-cheat which results in you getting kicked every 5 mins. But support!
You will most likey get heaps of supports however this has been suggested many times and still nothing is done. Support anyway
I contacted Mark and he replied with this: "BHopping is not currently blockable through the configuration as far as I know. Asofold will be making an effort of reduce the speed of dramatically faster BHops and work his way down likely."
Cypriot, I don't understand why you don't just accept my Thread on KnoghtFall, the fantastic Anti-Cheat Plug-in. There is a well known hacker that gets on servers & hack and he had tried out the plug in a private server with the developer in a Skype call. Check out the thread. It can really help Mineverse.
There is no actual link that I found to link you to purchase KnightFall, figured you'd deal with that.. Those 2 videos basically explain what I said above. This player proves that Knightfall works perfectly fine. The player specifically answers all the F.AQ. . Check out the video.[/QUOTE]
There actually is a plugin that stops b hopping, NOT MEANT TO ADVERTISE the archon has one, I tried it out on there and you could Bhop
You need to get your developers to rewrite nocheat. It's going to be hell, but that's how badlion started out. You need to download every damn hacked client and look at the source code and skripts if they have any. They are exploiting flaws in nocheats code and exploiting them. Fix the flaws, fix the problem. Your config won't do crap if you don't add a couple hundred lines of code. Study all the other anticheats and combine and take out what's poor and what's bad. Frozo if you remember him, is working on it, but it's taking time.
Honestly you could even get them to write a simple plugin, if player is under @combattimer, spawn entitiy over head (player, but disguised at a bat), and when hit 5 times, ban the player and ask for an appeal.