Hello everyone, This is a suggestion for the Forums. The trophies added would be the following: Post Farmer! Posted a total of 10,000 Messages. (60 Trophy Points) Old Member: Being registered on the Forums for 3 Years. (40 Trophy Points) Most Wanted! Received a total of 2000 Likes. (50 Trophy Points) And a new rank/title: Champion Member! (430 Trophy Points Required) ~ObnoxiousPotato_
Support. Although, it shouldn't be "super member" it should sound cooler, maybe something like "senior member"
I would love to see more trophy members be added, and possibly a new title. I don't really like 'Super Member', though. It sounds weak compared to 'Boss Member'.
That's why the Trophy Points awarded for that is 60 :p Thanks for your Support's! Thanks. ;) I couldn't find a better name :p Thanks anyways. Bump
The 5,000 messages trophy's reward is 50 points, Maybe aim a little higher? Hardly anyone is going to reach this trophy for a while. Support. Boss member sounds way cooler.
Good idea, I'll increase the trophy number for "Post Farmer" ;) It wouldn't be very cool if everyone gets a trophy as soon as It's added. Thanks. For Super Member I didn't found a better name :eh Thanks.
I'll increase the amount of trophy points for "Post Farmer" And will change the name of "Super Member as soon as someone suggests a fine name. Bump.
Support! But, Super member seems a little Cheesy to me xd So in my opinion, I would think of a more superior name xd.