Janice you and your food snaps, the ice cream place made me want to come where you live (which isnt that far) and steal you and go buy some. You and I have been friends for a v long time and ily to death. idk u ;-; I LOVE YOU and ur a cutie patootie This was you and I, Tori Vega and Beck Oliver you're my homie/baby/ and my ily sweetpea <3
Same, tbh you are an amazing mod from what I've seen. Ill stop spamming #FreeRodeen in chat and Mafia will stop too. Good luck with your position, first week will always be challenging, (all weeks are, it'll get harder) Hai Auzzi, your pfp is v cute. We havent talked much but hai im rodeenie the weenie. You still have the Torch disease, you should get that fixed before it spreads O_o @Torch ily Tbh you're kind of mean, but eh. I'm mean too. xdddd I already did, but tbh when I played Op you were my homie and ily. You were my best friend on forums for a long time, and I'm still supporting you for mod even though you kicked me from the wp. You're very nice and your accent is adorable. You will enjoy your stay, welcome to the most "hated" clan. OMG GRATZ ON MOD BABE, Ily lots and you are an amazing mod (I couldnt think of anyone besides you to get the position) and keep being awesome <3 I like beanies, does that make me hipster? hope not xd Hai Nokia xd Tbh you're v cool and super nice. We should talk more <3