I get many many many (many) accusations from people complaining about my reach. I'd like to show you something. As you can see I am a little better than a pinger :p If you have any questions feel free to ask here. Update: 0 ping ingame https://gyazo.com/67b61d1f27a9ae7ff4d1d56a444e2d48
My ping is always 100+ I need to find out why my Nvidia game drive won't work even though I go to the settings and set it up to MC.. Even then that probably won't fix the ping ;s
Mike, we know you don't hack. Stop making these threads just to grab attention Also, private message me on skype I need to speak to you ;)
The maximum amount of blocks KillAura can reach without being flagged by NCP is 4.2 I believe. Keep that in mind, my hacker friends. (Also don't go above 12 cps, preferably stay at 10 cps if you don't wanna be sketchy)
NPC is probably having a seizure when you use that aura then. But there's nothing that can be done about killaura, it just flags it and drops it in console for a lone wonderer to stumble upon.
But I do get banned quite often :P I got banned for this video because the guy recording had his FOV on max: