Hello, I would like to know how to get a hacker banned with the following questions: 1) What are the best recording softwares? How to download them? 2) How do you use the software? (Start / Stop the video) 3) How to copy the video on the reports forums?
There are plenty of free recording softwares if you just Google them. Also, they should explain how to start/stop the video capture. The best way to upload them to reports is to upload it to YouTube then link it in a report. Hope this helped.
1) What are the best recording softwares? How to download them? Fraps, I torrented a copy :O, You can get guides on how to get free copies of it on youtube 2) How do you use the software? (Start / Stop the video) Start and stop is f9 3) How to copy the video on the reports forums? Youtube
1) The "best" recording software is down to your own personal opinion, so I recommend checking out all of them! Usually, people on here use either Bandicam, Fraps or OBS, so I've seen. Bandicam - A very good recording software may I add, but with saying that, it does have the annoying watermark at the top of each video and depending on your PC can drop FPS by quite a large portion, depending on settings of course. Fraps - Again, a very good recording software, personally with testing both I get less FPS drop while using this, but gameplay for me isn't as smooth, which is actually very key when recording hackers. OBS - This is a more complicated recording software. Mainly used by people who Livestream as it does give that certain function. Recording wise, for hackers, it's not terrible. You will have to play around with it's vast amount of settings, but I'm sure if you spend the time you will find one suitable for you that gives you the best quality + frame rate. 2) The best option for this is to set a hotkey on your chosen programme. All of them will allow this, so don't worry about that. By doing this, you will be able to quickly press your hotkey and instantly be able to record a hacker, even mid fight if you are up for it ;) 3) In order to get the video onto the forums, to report people, you first will have to upload the video to a video streaming website, such as YouTube. You can use more than this though. You may embed media from the following sites: Dailymotion Facebook Liveleak Metacafe Vimeo YouTube
camtasia studio 12 is the best in my opinion... there are many other camtasia options as well.. they range from 112$ to 338$ a studio
You will have to create an account. So, YouTube for example, you can sign in if you have a gmail account, that is an easy way. Then towards the top right you will see a small arrow pointing up the way. This is the "upload" arrow. Just click on that then drag the video file from your folder onto where it asks you and then it will upload. Keep in mind, you have to have YouTube open all the time while uploading and make sure not to delete the video until after it's uploaded. When it's done all of that, just click on "Publish Video". That will take you to a video link and then you can copy that an insert it under the "media" tab on the forums.
Personally I recommend xSplit Broadcaster to record, high quality, small files, quite simple. And it has a lot of features. (I sound like an advert)
I don't know if this suggestions and the best, but this is how I do it. 1) I find Fraps the best recordingsoftware, but everyone has an own opinion about good recordingsoftwares. Some people says OBS, others say Bandicam(which one isn't bad too). 2) I don't really know about this, but I just start the video, record the hacker and end the video. I edit it a little bit, I remove the part of me stopping recording. 3) First you have to upload the video on YouTube. If you done that, you have the right-click your mouse and press "copy the link" or something like that. Then you have the press "ctrl" and "v" at the same time so you will put the video.