Now, before we begin, let me just say I won't be using color like many other players do. I have been involved with another player's application, and showed some proof to back my theory in a conversation with 5 staff members who should know who I am if they read the conversation. I have been warned once on forums for being off topic (on a different profile with a different name, the staff members could figure it out fairly easily, not to mention), so that is just a little bit of it. Now, let us begin the application, shall we? How old are you? I am currently 14 years old. What is your IGN? LaserDolphin77 What time-zone do you live in? I live in the Eastern Standard Time. What country do you live in? The United States of America. What languages do you speak? I speak English fluently, and I am currently learning Spanish, from which I have picked up some swears, so that could help a little bit. Why do you think you should be a moderator? In my beliefs, a moderator needs at least these three key qualities: 1. The ability to stay calm under stressful situations, 2. the ability to settle disputes as quickly as possible while knowing which person(s) is/are in the right and wrong, and 3. be honest, fair, helpful, mature, and be able to respect other's decisions. 1. If a player can stay calm under positions of stress, like DDoS threats, then that player has the ability to get the job done, he may need some tricks to be able to use, like secretly banning them (at another server you have to ban and kick, so if they just ban, then when they get off they won't know they're banned until the next time they try to log on, one example of a trick that I've used when I was threatened by a DDoS attack). 2. The second thing (the ability to settle disputes as quickly as possible while knowing which person(s) is/are in the right and wrong) doesn't come naturally. A person has to pick up on it, and through experience, will be able to settle fights, disputes between staff, staff and players, players and players, and a lot more. There really isn't that much to say about it, but it is necessary, and if needed one will have to make a sacrifice to help the server, and not just a friend. A moderator is dedicated to the server, not just his or her friends. 3. And the last (Be honest, fair, helpful, mature, and be able to respect other's decisions). This I may not have all of them perfectly, but I do have enough of each to get the job as a server moderator done. 3a. I am honest in my application, as if you saw above before I wrote anything about the application, I wrote about my faults and things that I have done here. 3b. I am fair to all the players I meet, except I have no tolerance for racism, sexism, nazism, hacking, or anything that follows those lines. I try to help as many people as I can, and when doing so make sure I can make them as happy as I can. Of course if I can't do anything about it then they aren't going to be happy, but at least I know that I put the effort into trying to help them. 3c. Maturity is very big with being a moderator, yet, it doesn't show for me unless I start dealing with serious topics such as reports, appeals, suggestions, applications, bug reports, etc. yet I try to be as mature as I can possibly be throughout my time of being here. 3d. Respecting other's decisions is probably the most important of all of these, in my opinion. I want people to know that even if I don't agree, I respect the points they make and the arguments that they put in to making me see their side of the story. I'm not an expert at this trait, but I can understand when someone is hurt about something because of the events that have taken place in my life. How long will you be in the server every day? I can be on from 1 hour - 2 hours AT LEAST except for Mondays and Fridays for the next few months (due to other responsibilities and activities such as soccer/football). How long have you been playing Mineverse? I started about a week and a half ago, and met Glaadiator on my first day there. I know this is a short time, but as you will see; I will be starting to increase my time being here, including the amount of time committed to the server. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I used to be a moderator on a server with about as many players as this one (little more, little less, depends on the time of day) and became one of their admins this past February and am still currently one. For all of you who read this application, thank you for your time and consideration. Say no or yes, either way thank you. ~LaserDolphin77 P.S. If you need my skype just start a conversation with me in forums, I really don't like sharing my skype information with the public.
Sorry, no support. I rarely see you in game like the first comment stated. And your application is a little unclear.
Thank you for explaining, I was about to get online now, and the reason you don't see me much is because I don't come online as much as I will be this past week. I won't be online tomorrow, Sunday, and possibly Monday because I am going on a vacation with my parents.
lol.. don't wanna be mean or any thing but being a mod means u been online almost everytime of the day being players that u have met over mineverse servers know u and want u to guard them from scammers hackers ect. not a person that no one ever seen online applying for mod.
I'm trying to be more active, I'm online at the creative server now. There's a lot of personal things going on in my life that I just can't be on every minute of every day. And, I also have school. And I know I've probably never been seen, because I don't care to talk much, I'm used to moderating silently, warning people when they need to, helping when they need help, etc. I don't take the time to talk, and, as some people would tell me at other servers, it's the staff's job to moderate, let them do so.
I need some time to relieve some stress, and if I'm going to be a part of this server, why not make it as best as I can?
Forgot to mention, in my application, I stated that one should be able to handle situations under a lot of stress. It sounds like I'm completely contradicting myself in my last statement so let me explain: being a moderator, for some reason, relieves my stress better than when I'm under no one else putting stress on me, which is weird when I say it, but it is true. I love the stress the other players give me. It thrills me, actually. I'm not saying to come find me in game and give me a heck of a time, but I actually somewhat enjoy the stress.
I guess so, but if you've been in the positions I have, which I'm quite sure you most likely have or been in worse, when you just start it's a little different, a little stressing, especially when someone threatens to DDoS you.
They are lies. Rarely anyone can actually send a large enough DDoS attack to actually boot your internet. Otherwise, back on topic. Sorry, my mistake.
Eh that's okay, but it has happened to me before, so I got a bit stressed, that's all. I couldn't connect for about 3 days, so yeah. But I guess we can wait and see what others have to say about my application?
Nice application, it's very information compare to others. But I haven't seen you in game much, to be honest I haven't seen you at all. I have read the comments above, I know why you are not in game much. Good luck for now.