Bay_Leaf Other people: Vanishment and cheetahswimmer BAckground: Idc Holding: Vanishment holding a invisibility potion, me holding a bow, cheetahswimmer holding a water bucket
Auzziii (Optional) Other people in games name (This will make it near water if so many people are picked): AussieDory, TrinnyWinny, TheEnderSlime_, RandomNinja14, Tedibea, SurgePlayZGameS, Redroyalle. Background: A beach? Preferable on a jetty or something. Holding (I can only do so many things): Fish/Fishing Ros
I couldn't do Vanishment's skin because it glitched but the blonde is her Also I couldn't pull the potion and water bucket:
Im about to cry, I cant fit enough people in to fit all of that. and I cant do fishing rods. Ill have to wait to do your PFP
While making yours my computer decided to mess up some of your guys skins so it may take me a little longer ;3;
YOUR in game name (I DON'T need your skin link): TheEnderSlime_ (Optional) Other people in games name (This will make it near water if so many people are picked): Wolfiz, TrinnyWinny, Auzziii, SurgePlayZGameS, Tedibea, RandomNinja14, brick707 Background: You choose ;) Holding (I can only do so many things): You choose ;) Sorry for the random white on the girls legs, and I cant do a sword but I got the tnt.. BTW You and the other boy have cute skins :P
Why is it called drawing thread if you don't actually draw anything? You're just using premade minecraft skin programs and other stuff any normal person could do..