Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Ertuiop, Jun 21, 2016.
ObnoxiousPotato_ was so obnoxious that he got burned. rekt
DoctorDistructo forgot the T at ObnoxiousPotato_ and the grammar overlords pushed him off a cliff
DoctorDistructo was so tired that his mind killed itself.
DoctorDistructo thought TNT destruction was turned off.
andrewswj ran into a brick wall thinking he/she has super powers to walk through walls:p
superBeanie thought the lava would cook his waffles better and leant a little too far...
Krissy fell into the ocean while texting her friends
Infinxty_ tried to give a manicure to a creeper
Krissy kissed @ObnoxiousPotato_
Rude Infxnity_ tried to see if gravity was working
@ObnoxiousPotato_ ate to much potatoes so he exploded
Levis was danked by memes
Potato was stabbed 37 times in the chest by a flying carrot
@A Slightly ConfusedTomato was squashed 42 times in between 2 pizzas
ObnoxiousPotato got ate by @Levis
Infinxty got ate by a wild bear
Bexrs got ate by a cannibal bexr
Levis got banned on Reddit
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Maxamul got deaf by hearing Levis screaming NOOOOOOOOOOO!! and died. rip
Levis stopped liking Eminem