recently heard alot about constant scamming so i've decided to make this thread. i suggest that cyp and noob get the /bal [ign] command (available to all players) which would almost fullproof prevent scamming (except on servers where currency isn't entirely money). a popular factions server called Desteria has this implemented and scamming rates have gone down since then. this would result in less complaints, less reports (easier on the staff), and a happier community especially on servers like kitpvp, opvp, and factions. really don't see any negatives that come with this addition but if you come up with any, let me know. Desteria's /bal Thing:
Support. This command should be implemented on all game modes except Infection, Creative, Parkour & Skygrid, of course.
Support But it won't prevent scamming completely as players will still scam even if they have the money.
they won't claim as many victims though, i think that most players on here are smart enough to use the command, but you never know
Support. OpPrison has a /bal top and shows players balances from greatest form least greatest. Butt I support this it would be nice to have........ Hehe I said butt