Welcome To My Introduction: Hello, Welcome to my Intro. Most of you guys know me as McPvPForU, iIRekinq_, _Optifinee, Or Brandon, The majority of you call me iIRekinq_ (My IGN), But my Friends Call me Brandon. I am Not very often called _Optifinee anymore. My friends have made it a Wonderful Time playing Mineverse, And i would like to Thank them For their Kindness towards me. Friends: 1. Redman333 2. TrinnyWinny 3. Neactain 4. Hypee_Star 5. And unslainable123 Pizza or tacos: Pizza Likable or no? kind of, I really don't know. Age: 12 Changes ign alot? not that much. also, hi
Welcome to forums I am always available if you want to know anything or have any questions or just want to talk Feel free to just pm me
Welcome to the forums . I'm Swiftlicious in-game and if you have any questions feel free to pm me with them, glad to help.