Firstly, We have suggestions, then ideas and suggestions. Now why do we need two sections for it? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to make map submissions a sub forum of suggestions and scrap the ideas and suggestions section? Because it is just the same thing essentially and looks untidy. Next to really tidy up the section, prefixes for each game mode, General suggestion and Forums. Now yes that is a lot of prefixes but it really does help tidy the section up. Much like the timezones for mod apps by adding prefixes to suggestions, when Cyp works on fixing game modes he can easily filter the suggestions, and people can see what suggestions have already been made. Next I beg of someone to fix the mineverse old theme. Things like staff have a staff member banner plus two badges, cannot see online staff on the homepage etc. The old theme is good for people with slower connections and who have issues with viewing the huge coloured background. Please maintain it. And finally the changelog section. Post count should be disabled, people get easy posts just by saying thank-you etc. Those who post useless posts like "1st" and simple posts shouldn't just get posts like that. It is better than disabling posting all together. Just a few things.
I love all of these suggestions. I have also been wondering why we have the 'Ideas & Suggestions' section, lol.
Something that would really keep the Suggestion forum tidy, is have a sub-forum for each game mode (Mini-Games as 1) plus one for map submissions. I definitely agree the map submissions should not be a sub-sub-forum. Gets very little recognition. Support.