Wow guys, I cant believe im doing this, but im quitting mineverse. I'm only 12 years old and I really need some attention right now so I decided to quit. After 5 minutes of thinking after a frustrating game of COD Advanced Warfare, I decided to quit. I'm so sorry to leave you all but I just feel like everyone hates me even though im SUPER COOL AND EDGY. Wow mineverse has been such a great server and I have absolutely no reason for leaving it, but im doing it anyway. Such an AMAZING staff team filled with many RATIONAL and SMART people. I'm sorry to go guys... thanks for the attention guys. @KenjiTakashami81 Wow dude, its been so amazing being friends with you, you're such a GREAT friend and you've ALWAYS been there for me, replying to my random profile posts has helped me get through my CRIPPLING DEPRESSION. @SpiderVenom_ You're music has inspired me, thanks for being such a GREAT friend. @Noobcrew Wow thanks for making this AMAZING server. Such a WONDERFUL and ACTIVE server owner. Also you're a GREAT friend @CypriotMerks Wow man, thanks for being such a great friend. I remember that one time when you responded to me on bedwars, we've been such GREAT friends since then. @Swift I know we've had our differences in the past, but I just wanted to APOLOGIZE to you for all the many TERRIBLE things I have done to you. You've been such a GREAT friend. @Sando3 Wow dude, you've been such a GREAT friend to me, I love you so much dude, we've talked like 4 times and you're probably one of my best friends, SINCERELY. <insert something about 20 other people being GREAT friends, basically saying the exact same thing about each of them.> The list... (this one's hilarious "I am leaving… permanently" These are all from one month. And just LOL. Its so funny reading a giant thread about someone quitting, then clicking on their profile and seeing them having posted some stupid youtube link yesterday. Nobody just quits mineverse or minecraft. You outgrow it, or grow to hate it enough to where you slowly stop playing it. there are SOOOO many more quitting threads than those links above, and its just hilarious. I thought I'd make a satire of them.
OMFG ;-; I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!! antpearl!! youre really quiting!! i can tell because you said how much of a GREAT friend i am ;-; and you would only say that if you were REALLY quiting!! im so sad cuz im never gonna talk to you again even tho i have your skype and we talk a lot!!! You cant leave me!!! you just cant!!! Kenji_pearl has to live ONLY on mineverse!!!! our daddy @CypriotMerks would not approve!! yuo have to stay!!! fill my cup with bleach cuz youre sucha GREAT friend!!!! "fuk al teh beaches tht sai u suk lol rekt nub i fuk ur mum ahaha" thats what you said to me everyday we talked and i love you!!! ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-; ^real tears #TrumpForever #VivaLaTrump #Kenji_Pearl #BigBlackCrocs
but DUDE IM QUITTING, I'm NEVER gonna talk to them again even though I have their skype! D: D: D: D: D: D: D: ;-; D: :( D ;-;