In-game name: Crafymike01 Rank: Titam Prestige and Level: No prestige SSgt Skype (Not needed): I'll supply skype if required, I'd like to keep it private for now
In-game name: ItzBaby Rank: Sgt Prestige and Level: LVL 37 Skype (Not needed): Have You Donor Kit (Not Needed): VIP
No, the people who have applied are pretty much all of the active infection players and are fit to join the clan.
IGN Ninja_Panda17 Rank 1sgt Prestige 1 Skype not needed sorry my parents forbid me to skype random people non offense Donor rank Titan
Pending, I have not seen you in-game but this may be due to timezones. @Wolfie can you handle this one?