Hey guys its ReCreateThis (AKA: theXboxcoolguy85/Gabe) and today I will be posting a moderator application. It has been awhile since I have done a moderator application, and the reason why I am doing this again is because I have known the mineverse community for quite some time, and I have seen many rule breakers (especially hackers) in prison and not many mods are on that server. Since I'm online daily I spot many hackers that are online and report them, I feel this is not effective enough and I would like to deal with them straight away instead of getting a mod to ban them. Now without further ado lets start this application Your in-game name: My in-game name is ReCreateThis, my old ign was theXboxcoolguy85 See usernames at https://namemc.com/profile/ReCreateThis What timezone are you in? My current timezone is the AEST or GMT+10. What country do you live in? I currently in Canberra, Australia. What languages do you speak? I only speak english. Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No I currently have 2FA enabled right now. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes I do have ways to capture those who break the rules. Gyazo, Fraps and of course the minecraft screenshotting system that comes with the game. Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become a moderator is because I usually see those who swear, disrespect and worst of all hacking on prison and other servers. For me It is common to see a hacker on mineverse, usually I have to report that person and wait for a moderator to ban that person. But now I want to deal with those who break the rules directly. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active at the following times. Monday-Friday: 3-5 hrs and sometimes more. Weekends: Extremely long sessions lasting from 6-10 hours and sometimes more. Public Holidays: 6-10 hours and sometimes more. I believe it helps a lot to be online while admins are not. How long have you been playing Mineverse? During 2013 I had heard about Mineverse from a dear friend of mine, so I decided to play on it. At the time I didnt think much of it. But during 2014 (I'm pretty sure) joined the forums and started to play and here I am. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Sadly I have been banned twice in-game, once for auction scamming and the other for hacking on the server I play on the most. Prison. Its kind of ironic that I have broken the rules twice and now I want to become a moderator on this server. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No, but I have been an Admin on a server that had been shutdown sometime 2014. Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No I would like to say that I do meet the requirements for becoming a staff member of Mineverse and the following are some traits that I believe are important to becoming a moderator on this server. ~Traits I am a Fast Typer I believe being a faster typer is important to becoming a moderator because I can quickly respond to those who talk to me via /msg or public chat. I am mature Whenever someone tries to provoke me, I will always react calmly and maturely no matter the situation. I am Helpful Whenever someone asks for help, I will not just ignore them (unless I am AFK cause I'm doing something else) and I will be willing to help anyone. I am Kind Most of the time I am kind towards others, I wont call them names or disrespect others. I am Dedicated Since this server is my main that I play on, I do whatever I can to help the server from what I can do (Reporting hackers and those who break the rules.) I can stay online for long hours and play mineverse. I also play on KitPvP and OP Prison but not as much as I did before, so most people don't recognize me on those two servers but I am well known on prison. Whenever there is a hacker I am motivated to try to report them (I honestly don't know why.) I have a knowledge on hacks Unfortunately, I used to hacks, but using my knowledge on them I believe I can use it for good, my reason why is because I can easily identify those who hack and specifically which hacks they are using, since I had played on a server with those who hack. I have a knowledge on commands Thanks to my experience as an Administrator on another server, I know many commands such as: /ban, /tempban, /ban-ip, /kick, /mute etc. Well that's it from me, I hope you all have a wonderful day. -ReCreateThis (Gabe) P.S please tell me if there is anything I should edit in this application. Thanks
Trust me this application is not copied at all, feel free to believe that since I cannot force you to.
Neutral, I don't think you explained enough why you would "Believe" to become mod. And I think you have to have 2FA enabled. Goodluck
Neutral leaning to no support Pros and cons Pros -Nice detailed app -Good traits -Nice in game Cons -Never see you on forums -Rarely Seen you in game. -Don't meet requirements Good luck
Neutral reasons stated above. Maybe if you improve your application some I will lean towards support.
Neutral. Improve your activity on the forums and make more reports, I can't tell if you're active or not in game as we have very different timezones.