As many of you know that play bedwars, you can't spectate your friends when their in a game, unless you started in the game then got your bed broken and died. But anyway, here's the suggestion, what if you were allowed to spectate your friends if they were in a game and you just joined. I know this will be very hard to add, due to the developers. But wouldn't it be fun to have? To go spectate your friends and have fun! Now, here's the thing that would mess this up, you could teleport to your friend in a game and spec block him, so this is where the spec blocking part comes in. Can we request for spec blocking to be removed? Why can't it the spectators be in ./gamemode 3? It would save a lot of confusion and rage.
This has been suggested today by @XLifeTime_ for the spectating part. Support anyways to fix spec blocking and implement spectating any game you want. I'd love to do this if possible.