I bought the tp to spawn yesterday for Lemonade__ on survival, and it worked until I ended up in the same situation. It's a corrupt barrier I guess, and it says [Proxy] connection to the server. Cyp tried some things, and none of them were successful. I'm now dead and can't respawn in survival, so is there anything I can do?
I can't even connect for 1/10 of a second. Cyp even tried resetting my coords elsewhere, but that didn't even work.
Well, I'm sorry I can't exactly help you now, but do you know what's the warp/coords of the corrupted chunk? So perhaps you could report it and they would delete the warp? If Cyp can't even help you... How? I think this is more than a corrupted chunk...?
I was wandering along when I came across a house that was unclaimed. I was fixing it up, and there was a town over there. I went all the way to the right, but I couldn't go further. I got three of my accounts messed up in this barrier chunk. The warp to my house isn't corrupt. When you go too far right, though, it is.
Do you by chance have the coords to this chunk? You can private message me the coords if you wish. We are going to try and get this fixed.
Coords: Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here. It's actually a barrier, not just a chunk.
It's not a block; it just causes you to lose connection every time you go there. Yes, about 60 times. I am also dead, so that's fun
It's not a barrier block; it's a corrupt barrier. What I mean is that every chunk extending in those directions is corrupt.
Is this the same "mordor" chunk? If so, is there any way to check the history of a warp name to see the coords?