#TrendyTopicsAreTrendy September 2013: This is around the time I first started playing Mineverse. It was in this faithful month where I decided to sell my soul to the server and the point of no return. February 2014: In late February I decided to make a forums account to report someone who scammed me for like 300$ (thanks asshat). Incidentally, this was also the time I started to learn how to pledge my allegiance to Memes and Satanic literature. December 2015: Yay I got mod after a year of waiting. Y33t #GangGang #SoutSideYoungN****S January 2015: I got demoted. Rip in pistrami. And honestly at the time I didnt get why. But I realized soon that it was because I was like 13 and still stupid and thought I knew everything when I really didn't and I was simply an to everyone. So I'd like to take the time out of my day to actually thank @Dyna_Mighty for sending the report on me. If I'd have continued like that I would've likely lost all my reputation here and been sent on a downwards spiral. Thank you. And thank your Doggos they are cute. March 2015: I finally reapplied and this is also where I got back into Anime. Which I never regretted. Ever. April 2015: I got accepted as staff again. Yay. July 2015: I resigned. I was under a lot of stress at the time and things started looking like they were when I was demoted the first time. Luckily @Pile was nice enough to forgive me for what I said and done to her and the community and helped me make the decision to resign. Which I thank you for greatly. Sooooo After this I quit for 2 months to get my IRL jank together. I came back again in September, made a joke of myself by making fun of @KingAlex, got banned, unbanned, started #FreeElrak (which I never regretted), got myself and like 10 other people banned, and then unbanned again. After that I reapplied and since then nothing to major has gone on really. Just a lot of anime. And of course, I could never forget the memes. But yeah, things have been quiet since then. Life is fantastic mayne. Thats it, nerds.