I'm not sure if this is just me, but I prefer the old prestige symbols much more. Roman Numerals are just too simple and plain, like "blah". Like get the old ones added back, or even add some different from the old ones.
Neutral, I like both to be honest. They both have their own cons though, old ones are confusing and new ones are oogaly :P
Support. Of course it'll be nicer if the symbols are different from the old and the new and look more appealing.
There are probably many kids that do not know Roman Numerals, so it would be just as confusing, and just as easy to explain what prestige symbol is which level. Also when you have 130 levels and type /prestige rankup, it tells you what prestige you advance to. So I'm pretty sure people would know what prestige they are. And it's not difficult to answer the question "what prestige are you?", just say "prestige 4" (as an example). If new players really wanted to know what prestige symbol belongs to which level, they can just simply ask someone. It's not that difficult.
The amount of times I see people asking what level something is in parkour because of Roman numerals is pretty high up there Support but new symbols
Support, it's not that I don't like the current ones, I just feel like the old symbols were more 'jazzy' :D