Hello I'm KINGFI5HTY! Now before I start with my whole SkyBlock suggestion I would just like to say that I know a lot of people might not agree and that's okay, please leave your opinion in the comments! Now with that being said, lets begin. SkyBlock, I am talking about SkyBlock. My favorite game on Mineverse. I've been looking through the forums and checking out some of the popular threads out there when I stumble upon a thread titled, " SkyBlock Reset " I begin to read and notice that many, but I mean MANY people are agreeing on this suggestion. Mods and players are saying yes to this, but I'll give my opinion. No we do not want a SkyBlock reset. Who do I mean by "we"? well I'm talking about all of the loyal members of Mineverse. The ones who play SkyBlock all day for years and yes I am one of them. I've seen players join and see them leave, but with them leaving we have new members joining. New members who do not know the players like we do. They do not know how long it took us to make our islands and to grow, but they are the ones trying to change it. New players are trying to reset SkyBlock. How do we feel about it? Well clearly we do not agree. Loyal members are leaving. Players who would never leave, never stop talking and never stop playing, well they would quit. Today I only see about 5-10 players who are still sticking around, but soon they will leave too. Reasons why people want a reset, the economy is down, the hoppers do not work, and the nether is not open. So that is their reason. I have to say when I look at these threads I notice that the players writing them are NEVER on skyblock which makes me mad. Since a lot of new players want a reset, the old members are leaving. not just SkyBlock, but Mineverse. I have a lot of friends who play Mineverse and when they hear about this, they leave. Soon the old members will leave, members who donated money because they liked this server and wanted to see it grow, yeah they left. I am going to finish off by saying thank you to all of the loyal members who are still playing today and a good bye to those of you who left. Well guys please tell me what you think about this topic and PLEASE DO NOT RESET.
I agree with you, no reset. Anybody who wants to voice their opinion on this matter ought to be a regular player, as this issue affects them the most. Leaving my reply to the original reset post here for further support. "First off, I have experience with this. I was a moderator on a Towny server a while back. Due to the number of new players who cried out "RESET! RESET!" (not a single aged player supported) we reset the towny server. Over half of our donators quit that week, including myself, one of the oldest players they had. To this day the number of players has never again hit that 200/200 mark. And yes, the economy is still f'd up. Coming back to the subject at hand, let's take a look at Mineverse. Most of the donors who frequent skyblock have been here for months, even years. To just push a button and make a "fair playing ground" would not only cut a huge amount of monetary support for Mineverse, but also piss off those aged players and tarnish Mineverse's reputation. Why even start rebuilding when you know it will be reset again someday? Why spend money on a server that will just erase everything you do? It doesn't matter if you get a refund, it's the time you put into it that you can never get back. Exploiting/duping/glitching will not simply stop with the push of a button. A reset would not change anything about what you're complaining about, it would simply push the clock back. The economy of hacking always, ALWAYS comes back. Mineverse Skyblock, while imperfect, is still challenging and fun. Don't force older players to give up everything they have made just because you don't like low prices. If you think it's not challenging enough, start your own server."
I'll first point out that Cypriot has given no sign of a skyblock reset soon, so I wouldn't be worrying about it just yet. I do see what you mean here. I used to play skyblock very often and fell in love with the community and all the custom memorable warps and such. Skyblock is just like any other game mode, though. It needs to be reset for things to be fixed. The dedicated members on skyblock are important, but the majority of players would prefer to play on a fixed gamemode. Personally, I do believe skyblock needs a reset.
I actually made a popular skyblock reset thread. I used to play skyblock for months until I got bored and stopped playing it, as did many others. A reset would allow us to address the issue of skyblock being too overpowered in its current state.
I think it needs a reset. It needs a fresh start for new players. The economy on Skyblock is completely inflated, making it unfair for newcomers.
No support, that place is becoming as dead as hellblock. It needs a reset, and if cyp were to plan one in the future then I would be extremely pleased. Also, have you ever considered that they're never on skyblock BECAUSE of these issues that have caused us all to either leave or migrate to other gamemodes?
This made me laugh. If you opened your eyes a bit,you could see what wither heads,spawners,and duping have done to the economy.It's terrible. It needs a reset,period.