Intro Yes I know it's only been a month, but I have some amazing friends who convinced me to do this once again. But before I begin I want to talk a little bit about why I left the team. I left the staff team because I was failing my exams, I wasn't studying enough and wasn't putting in the time. It was a hard decision but it had to be done. At first all I was going to do was take a break, but I knew my break was going to be at least a month long and there was no way I was going to take a month long break, it just wasn't fair on the team. I didn't want to leave, but I did. I'm not going to sugar coat it, I do want to come back now that I have finished my exams and I'll never let the team down again. Your in-game name: AthleticPsycho Older names: What timezone are you in? Australian Eastern Timezone (UTC+10) What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you speak? I speak fluent English Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No Yes I do. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes I have Fraps recorder + Shift F2 for screenshots Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become a moderator because I feel as if the server needs a few moderators who are experienced with how to deal with situations on the server. I'm an old member of this community so I know how it runs and how all the game modes work. I also have a lot of love for this community, it means the world to me and this is really where I want to be right now, helping people who are in need, and much more. I'm very familiar with all the commands used to moderate the server since I've been a mod here before, so I would not have trouble adjusting to the environment of being a mod. My accepted mod application: I am..... Mature Although sometimes I like to joke around and have a lot of fun, I'm actually a very mature person. It's good to be a mature mod, because if you are people know they can rely on you, and people can definitely rely on me. Time Management Yes I know I left because I couldn't manage my time between Mineverse and school work. But that was a completely different situation in my opinion, I left because I was failing my exams, and that's my fault. Other than that I know how to organise my time between minecraft and real life, I believe that even with all my schoolwork I'd be able to moderate the server properly, with no problems at all. Active Even after I resigned, I was still very active on the server and forums. I've been helping people, answering questions, reporting hackers, advertisers etc. This activity will continue throughout being a mod, I can guarantee it. Hard Worker I can consider myself a hard worker, I try my best to succeed at all tasks given to me. As a mod I will work hard to get the work done, no matter the task. Caring I care for ever player on Mineverse, I don't see myself as a bias player/mod. Being a caring person has always been a part of me even if I don't show it at times. I love being there for players when they need help, helping them to the best of my ability. This will always apply if I got a second chance to be mod. Experience Before my resignation, I was a moderator for almost 6 months, it was an amazing time and I learnt so much. So yes, I do consider myself experienced with commands, game modes, forums and more. Friendliness The one thing I love about Mineverse, is that most of it is like a family. This might sound weird but I have grown up with a few of these people over the years, I love the vibes I get when I log on in-game. I'm a friendly person, players have never been afraid to talk to me, ask me questions etc. if I got repromoted I will always be a friendly person to players and other staff. Not Bias I'm a very honest person, I'm not afraid to tell people what I think and what's right. I'm also not a bias person, if I see a friend in the wrong I wouldn't be afraid to lay the punishment on them. If in a situation where your friend is in the wrong, no matter how hard it is I wouldn't struggle to do the right thing. Helpful Ever since I resigned I've still been dedicated to helping players, whether they have questions, problems or anything at all I will help them with it. As a mod I feel as if it's my duty to be able to be there for the players, I know a lot about every game mode so I would be able to help them pretty fast and pass on any information to them. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active for at least 3 hours a day. Unless I have to go out or I go on holidays. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have being playing Mineverse for 3 years. A little more about my time here. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Yes I have been banned in the past. In-game: Hacking, duplicating Forums: Alt accounts, rate abuse These bans were a long time ago and I have definitely learnt from my mistakes. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I have been mod on a few smaller servers in the past, but like I stated before I was a mod on here for almost 6 months. CosmicGalaxy - I was a moderator on CosmicGalaxy for roughly 2 months, it had about 20-60 players a day but unfortunately closed due to funds. BuildNCraft - I was head-mod on BuildNCraft for 2-3 months, it wasn't as popular as Cosmic, it had about 15 players a day and eventually also closed down. Mineverse - I was Moderator on Mineverse for almost 6 months. This server has been one of my favourites for a while now and I wouldn't want to be mod anywhere else. Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No Yes I do. About me: - I love Sport (Especially Athletics/Running) - The Walking Dead is just... life. - Infection, Kitpvp and Creative are my favourite gamemodes. - I'm cool. - 14 years of age. I'm so sorry for resigning everyone, but I hope you can understand that it had to be done. Please be completely honest with your reply and do not be bias. I love you all and thank you for reading.
Does this mean you'll never resign again? :P Anyway, you definitely have all of the experience and qualities needed to be a great moderator. I think it's a little too soon to re-apply, given that you may change your mind about this later. I still support you, good luck!
I understand what you're saying, but I had to leave even if I didn't want too. Thank you though! Thank you, Sanity <3
I did, I'm just saying it's very early from other re applications. You got 100% support from me anyways.
If I may ask, since you're 14, what about next year? What would be different? You'll have exams until 18 I assume (ofc I know you probably won't be moderator until you're 18.)
We are in great need of amazing, kind, caring and helpful moderators that are in your timezone. You would fill in that empty gap perfectly, support Alma <3
Mhm, but I had so much going on in my life at the time with my family etc. That's why I couldn't handle it. Thank you Reborn. <3