So some people have been complaining about spawnkilling. It's not bannable, but it is pretty unfair. I have a suggestion for that Maybe give the zombies some invincibility time (Resistance and Regen IV) so that they can escape away. It will prevent spawnkilling, which will make people happy. Let me know what you think
Hmm They do have like 4 seconds of invincibility as it is, if I'm not mistaken, but that sure could be raised.
I mean, if it's possible you could have it so zombies that haven't moved at all cannot actually be hit?
It would be neat to add something like a 5 secound grace period before either player could attack each other when they respawn kinda like when you throw a ender pearl there is a short delay of PVP. That is a neat idea and will make me rage a lot less expecally since u can't go opz and haredly anybody is prestige right now so support definitely.
Support! And it's going to be even harder to get away from spawn killing now that zombies can't use donor kits but humans can, so that's an even better reason to support.
Good idea, Support! ;) Zombies could have at beggining Resistance, Regeneration and Strength II for 10~ seconds.
I'd rather it be more of an annoyance to spawn camp than a pleasure, perhaps giving the zombies strength II for 10 seconds as suggested above?
10 seconds is too long, perhaps 5 seconds instead and resistance instead of strength etc, since the idea is to prevent spawn killing. Just an add-on to what he said. Anyway, I support this idea.